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    Second Year Engineering
    Second Year Engineering: Semester-III

    1. Engineering Mathematics-III
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 3
    Theory : 100
    Tutorial : 1
    Term Work : 25


    Unit 1 Linear Differential Equations: Linear
    Differential Equations with constant coefficients,
    Homogenous Linear differential equations, method of
    variation of parameters.

    Unit 2 Applications of Linear Differential Equations:
    Logistic law of population, Newton’s law of cooling and
    chemical engineering problems. (Chemical reactions
    and solutions)

    Unit 3 Fourier series: Definition, Euler’s formulae,
    Dirchlet’s Conditions for a Fourier expansion, Functions
    having points of discontinuity, change of interval,
    expansions of odd and even periodic functions, Half
    range series.

    Unit 4 Fourier transforms: Fourier transforms, Fourier
    sine and cosine transforms, complex form of Fourier
    integral, Finite Fourier sine and cosine transforms.


    Unit 1 Laplace Transform: Definition, properties of
    Laplace transforms, transforms of derivatives,
    transforms of integral, Inverse Laplace transforms,
    Convolution theorem. Applications of Laplace transform
    to solve linear differential equations with constant

    Unit 2 Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors,
    Gradient of scalar point function, Directional derivative,
    Divergence of vector point function, Curl of a vector
    point function.

    Unit 3 Vector Integration: The line integral, Surface
    integral, volume integral, Gauss’s Divergence theorem,
    Stoke’s theorem, Green’s theorem (Without proof).
    Irrotational and solenoidal vector field.

    Unit 4 Convergence of Series: Ratio test, integral
    test, comparison test, Cauchy’s root test, Raabe’s test,
    Logarithmic test. Absolute and uniform convergence
    (Weirstrass’s M- test).

    General Instructions:
    1. For the term work of 25 marks, batchwise tutorials are
    to be conducted. The number of students per batch
    should be as per University pattern for practical
    2. Minimum number of assignments should be 8 covering
    all topics.

    Nature of Question paper:
    1. There will be two sections carrying 50 marks each.
    2. There will be four questions in each section and three
    questions should be attempted from each section.

    Reference Books:

    1. A text book of Applied Mathematics: Vol. I, II and III
    by J. N. Wartikar & P. N. Wartikar , Vidyarthi Griha
    Prakashan, Pune.
    2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by Dr. B. S. Grewal.
    3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig.

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-III

    2. Microbiology
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 4
    Theory : 100
    Practical : 4
    Term Work : 25
    Practical/oral : 50


    Unit 1. Introduction to microorganisms 8
    Contribution of various scientists in the development of
    microbiology, Role of microorganisms in the causation of
    disease and geochemical cycles.
    Types and general characteristics of microorganisms: 1)
    Bacteria- Archaebacteria, Actinomycetes, Rickettsia,
    Mycoplasma, Chlamydia 2) Fungi – Molds and yeasts 3)
    Algae 4) Protozoa 5) Viruses.

    Unit 2. The classification of bacteria 6
    Species: The unit of classification, New approaches to
    bacterial taxonomy, Bacterial taxonomy the problems of
    taxonomic arrangements, Bacterial phylogeny.

    Unit 3. The principles of microbial nutrition and
    microbial growth 10
    The requirement for carbon nitrogen, sulfur and growth
    factors, the role of oxygen in nutrition, nutritional categories
    among microorganisms.
    The definition of growth, the mathematical expression of
    growth; the typical bacterial growth curve, arithmetic
    growth, diauxic growth, synchronous growth, Batch and
    continuous culture: chemostat and turbidostat.

    Unit 4. Methods in Microbiology 6
    The construction of culture media, various types of media;
    Aseptic transfer techniques, Pure culture techniques- using
    liquid media, semisolid and solid media preservation of pure
    cultures, aerobic and anaerobic cultures, two-membered


    Unit 1. Effect of the environmental factors on
    microbial growth 5
    Effects of solutes on growth and metabolism, Effect of
    temperature on microbial growth, Effect of ion
    concentration, Effect of oxygen, Effect of hydrostatic
    pressure, Effect of heavy metal ions on microbial growth,
    Effect of UV light on microbial growth.

    Unit 2. The Control of Microorganisms 12
    Fundamentals of control, the theory and practice of
    Physical agents –1) Temperature- moist heat and dry heat,
    incineration, boiling
    2) Osmotic Pressure, 3) Radiations- ionizing and nonionizing,
    4) Surface Tension and Interfacial Tension, 5)
    Filtration.-types of bacterial filters, applications
    Chemical agents – Selection of chemical agents for practical
    application, Major groups of antimicrobial agents, Evaluation
    of antimicrobial chemical agents. Gaseous sterilization;
    Antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents –
    Chemotheraphy and Chemotherapeutic agents, Historical
    highlights, Characteristics of antibiotics and their mode of
    action, antifungal antibiotics, antitumor antibiotics, Synthetic
    chemotherapeutic agents, Microbial susceptibility to
    chemotherapeutic agents and Resistance to antibiotics.

    Unit 3. Microbial genetics 6
    Basic concept of Gene and its function.
    Mutation – Basic concepts, Spontaneous and Induced
    mutations, mutagens.
    Genetic exchange and recombination: Bacterial conjugation,
    Transduction, Transformation, Introduction to
    extrachromosomal genetic material.

    Unit 4. Microbial Pathogenesis 7
    Epidemiology of infectious diseases, Bacterial, Fungal,
    Protozoal, Viral Diseases; Bacterial invasion and
    colonization, Bacterial toxins- types and mode of action,

    Text Books:

    1. Microbiology – Fundamentals and Application, 6th Ed. –
    Purohit, S.S. (Agrobios)
    2. General Microbiology, 7th Ed. – Schlegel H.G. (Cambridge
    University Press)
    3. General Microbiology, 5h Ed. – Stanier R.Y. et al.
    (Macmilan press)
    4. Microbiology, 5th Ed. – Pelczar, Jr. et al (Tata McGraw
    5. Textbook of Microbiology, Anathnarayan and Panikar (
    Orient Longman)
    6. Textbook of Microbiology, P.Charkborthy

    Reference Books:

    1. Topley and Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial infections
    9th Ed. Vol 5 – Cox F.E.
    G. et al. (Arnold Publisher Co.)
    2. Talara K.P.’s Foundations in Microbiology, (McGraw Hill) )

    List of Experiments:

    1. Introduction to Laboratory Equipments
    i) Incubator
    ii) Autoclave
    iii) Hot air oven
    iv) Centrifuge
    v) Colorimeter
    vi) Seitz filter
    vii) pH meter
    viii) Colony Counter
    ix) Water bath
    2) Study and use of microscope.
    3. Preparation of laboratory media: Autoclaving, plating and
    streaking methods, preparation of slants and stabs.
    4. Isolation and Identification of bacteria by streak plate
    method and observation of viable cells, cultural
    characteristics, morphological and biochemical
    i) Study of Escherchia coli
    ii) Study of Staphylococcus aureus
    5) Bacterial Staining
    a) Monochrome
    b) Negative (skin and oral microflora)
    c) Gram
    d) Capsule
    e) Inclusion bodies
    6) Study of bacterial growth curve and diauxic growth curve.
    7) Effect of environmental factors on microbial growth:
    Temperature, pH, NaCl and Antibiotics.
    8) Isolation of coliphages.
    9) Mounting of molds
    i) Aspergillus
    ii) Mucor
    iii) Penicillium

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-III

    3. Cell Biology
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 4
    Theory : 100
    Practical : 2
    Term Work : 25
    Practical/oral : 25


    Unit 1: Cell structure 12
    a. Introduction to Prokaryotes and eukaryotes
    b. Prokaryotic cell structure-
    The bacterial nucleus, cell wall, capsules and slimes, Flagella
    and motility, reserve materials and other cellular inclusions;
    endospores and other persistent survival forms, pigments of
    bacteria and fungi.
    c. Eukaryotic cell structure –
    The compartmentalization of higher cells, the cytosol, the
    endoplasmic reticulum, the golgi apparatus, lysosomes and
    peroxisomes, organelles with double membranes – the
    nucleus,mitochondria and chloroplasts.

    Unit 2: The Cytoskeleton 6
    a. General features of mictotubles & actin filaments as
    dynamic assemblies
    b. Microtubule organizing centers and microtubule
    associated proteins
    c. Actin filaments & actin- binding proteins in nonmuscle
    d. Intermediate filaments, organization of the cytoskeleton
    e. Cilia & Flagella-Structure and Function
    f. Microfilaments-Assembly and Disassembly
    g. Muscle contractility

    Unit 3: Cell adhesion and extra cellular matrix 5
    Intercellular recognition and cell adhesion, cell junctions, the
    extracellular matrix.

    Unit 4: Chemical signaling between cells 7
    a. Molecular mechanism of signal transduction,
    b. Ion gated channel:ligand gated ion chanel,
    c. Neurotransmitters,
    d. G-protein coupled receptor
    e. Receptor enzymes.
    f. Secondary messengers: cyclic AMP, calcium,


    Unit 1: Cell Cycle 10
    a. Component of cell cycle control system,
    b. Intracellular control of cell cycle,
    c. Extracellular control of cell cycle,
    d. Cell division: Mitosis and Meiosis

    Unit 2: Cell Differentiation and the maintenance of
    tissues 8
    a. Maintenance of the differentiated state
    b. Tissues with permanent cells,
    c. Renewal by simple duplication
    d. Renewal by stem cells- epidermis
    e. Renewal by pluripotent stem cells- blood cell formation
    f. Quiescent stem cells – skeletal muscle
    g. Stem cell engineering

    Unit 3: Cellular aging and senescence 5
    a. Cellular changes during aging:morphological changes
    b. Physiological changes
    c. Subcellular changes
    d. Aging of cells in culture
    e. Aging and organ system.
    f. Theories of aging: neuroendocrine theory, Immune
    theory, somatic mutation theory, Glycation theory, error
    and fidelity theory, non genetic theory.

    Unit 4: Cancer 7
    a. Types of tumors
    b. Molecular basis of cancer.
    c. Somatic mutation: proto-oncogene activation e.g. erb-B,
    myc, ras,src,sis
    d. Antioncogene inactivation e.g. Rb ,WT-1 p53,
    e. Mechanism of proto-oncogene activation: point
    mutation,Gene rearrengment,Gene amplification,
    promoter insertion, enhancer insertion.
    f. Viruses: oncogenic retroviruses, DNA oncogenic viruses,
    chemical carcinogens, ionizing radiation.
    g. Characteristics of growing tumor cells: general and
    morphological changes, biochemical changes, Metastasis,

    Text Books:

    1. Cell Biology – Roy S.C. and De Kalyan Kumar (New
    Central Book Agency
    2. Cell Biology – Fundamantal and Application, - Gupta M.L.
    and Jangir M.L. (Agrobios)
    3. Cell and Molecular biology, 8th Ed. – De Robertis E.D.P.
    and De Robertis, Jr. E.M.F. (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)

    Reference Books:

    1. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2nd Ed. – Alberts B. et al
    (Garland Publishing)
    2. Molecular Cell Biology, 2nd Ed. – Lodish et.al
    3. Cell & Molecular Biology-Concepts & experiments, 3rd ed.-
    Gerald Karp (John Wiley and sons. New York

    List of Experiments:

    1) Sterility of cell culture work environment
    2) Isolation of cell organelles: nucleus, mitochondria,
    3) Microtechnique
    i) Fixation of various animal tissues
    ii)Processing of the fixed tissues
    4) Staining Nucleus by using basic dyes and Feulgen
    5) Staining Mitochondria by Janus green B method (in bird,
    insect, oral smear)
    6) Staining Lysosomes by acid phosphatase in leucocytes
    7) Staining Golgi apparatus -(Demo)
    8) Staining Cell membrane
    9) Study of cell membrane permeability
    10) Cryo-preservation
    a) Freezing
    b) Thawing
    11) Preparation of laboratory media (cell culture)
    12) Media formulation and preparation (cell culture)
    13) Harvesting of cells:
    a) by scraping
    b) by trypsinization
    14) Preparation of
    a. Meiosis in grasshopper testis/earthworm ovary
    b. Mitosis in onion root tips/ tradentia flowers

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-III

    4. Macromolecules and Biomembranes
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 4
    Theory : 100
    Practicals : 2
    Term Work : 25
    Practical/oral : 25


    Unit 1. Amino acids and peptides 7
    Structural features of amino acids; Classification of amino
    acids; Physical properties- Ionisation of amino acid in
    aqueous solutions, amino acids as ampholytes ; titration
    curve and electric charge, differences in acid –base
    properties, separation by electric charge; Peptidesbiologically
    active peptides-bradikinin, oxytocin, thyrotropin,

    Unit 2. Proteins 8
    Classification of protein, covalent structure of proteins,
    secondary structure-J helix, K-sheet, protein tertiary
    structure, quarternary structure. Conformational analysis of
    polypeptides and proteins. Ramachandran plot.Potential
    energy calculations for psi, phi angles. Predication of
    secondary structure- Chou-Fasman technique, Protein
    folding-chaperones. Protein-protein and protein-ligand

    Unit 3. Carbohydrates 8
    Monosaccharides, Disaccharides, Polysaccharides,
    proteoglycans, glycoproteins, glycol-structure and function.
    Commercially important carbohydrates-Cellulose, Xylan,
    Starch Fructan, Mannan, Pectin, Agar, Chitin, Lignin.

    Unit 4. Lipids and fats 7
    Classification of lipids-simple and complex lipids, structure
    and function of glycolipids, phospholipids, sphingolipids,
    sphingomyelin, lipoproteins


    Unit 1. Membrane structure and function 7
    Functions, The chemical composition of membranes,
    Membrane fluidity, Artificial membrane model- Liposome.

    Unit 2. Membrane transport of small molecules 9
    Aquaphorins, Ionophores, Ion selective channel voltage
    gated e.g. Neuronal Na+ channel, Ligand gated channels
    e.g. Acetylcholine receptor, Plasma membrane involved in
    facilitated diffusion- glucose transporter, chloride
    transporter, Active transport- Na+ - K+ dependent ATPase,
    Ca+ dependent ATPase.

    Unit 3. Membrane transport of macromolecules and
    particles- exocytosis and endocytosis 10

     Exocytosis, Membrane fusion, Endocytosis, Coated pits
    and vesicles provide a specialized pathway for recepted
    mediated endocytosis of specific macromolecules, Many cell
    surface receptors associate with coated pits only after
    liagand binding, Some Macromolecules can penetrate cell
    membrane directly, Specialized phagocytic cells ingest
    particles that bind to specific receptors on their surface,
    Phagocytosis is a localized response that proceeds by a
    “membrane-zippering”, Membrane vesicular traffic – how it
    is powered, guided and regulated?

    Unit 4. Membrane Receptors 4
    Structures and functions, methods to study membrane
    receptors, purification and characterization of adrenergic and
    cholinergic receptors.

    Text books

    1. Text book of Biotechnology by H. K. Das.
    2. Biochemistry by Lubert Stryer (Freeman Int. Edition)
    3. U.Satyanarayan’s Biochemistry 2nd Edition Uppala
    4. “Principles of Biochemistry” by Albert Lehninger (CBS

    Reference books

    1. Vitamins and Hormones, vol. 54, 1st Edition by Gerald
    Litwack (Academic Press Publication)
    2. Molecular Cell Biology, 2nd Edition,-Lodish et.al
    3. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2nd Edition-Bruce Alberts.
    Et. Al (Garland Publishing)

    List of Experiments:

    1. Preparation of standard solutions and buffers.
    2. Verification of Beer-Lambart’s law;determination of Qmax
    of KMno4
    3. Determination of total soluble sugars by ferricyanide
    4. Determination of reducing sugars by Nelson-Somogyi’s
    5. Estimation of DNA by Diphenyl reaction
    6. Determination of RNA by Orcinol Method
    7. Estimation of proteins by Lowry’s method
    8. Determination of glycogen in liver
    9. Separation of amino acids using TLC/Paper
    10. Separation of sugars using TLC/Paper chromatography
    11. Reactions of monosaccharides : Molisch Test, Benedict
    Test, Feling Test, Barfode Test
    12. Reactions of disaccharide : Molisch Test, Benedict
    Test, Feling Test, Barfode Test, Seliwinoff’s Test
    13. Precipitation Reactions of Proteins : Precipitation by
    mineral acids, by alcohol, Heat co-agulation Test by
    ammonium sulphate, by heavy metals
    14. Color reactions of proteins

    1.Biuret Test
    2 Ninhydrin Test
    3. Xanthoproteic Test
    4. Millon’s Test
    5. Sakaguchi Test
    6. Hoffkin-Cole Test
    7. Sulphur / Lead acetate Test

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-III

    5. Unit Operations – I
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 3
    Theory : 100
    Practicals : 2
    Term Work : 25
    Practical : 25


    Unit 1. Fluid static’s & its applications 5
    Hydrostatic equilibrium, Barometric equation, Hydrostatic
    equilibrium in centrifugal field, applications- Manometer,
    continuous gravity decanter, centrifugal decanter.

    Unit 2. Liquid flow phenomenon 5
    Classification of fluids, Rheological behavior of fluids &
    fermentation broth, Newton’s Law of viscosity. Effect of
    temperature & pressure on viscosity of fluids. Factors
    affecting broth viscosity. Types of flow & introduction to
    Reynolds No.

    Unit 3. Basic equations of fluid flow 6
    Continuity Equation, Bernoulli’s equation, Laminar flow in
    pipes, Hagen paustulies equation, Turbulent flow in pipes,
    friction factor chart.

    Unit 4. Fluid pumping & Metering 7
    Flow measuring devices –Venturimeter, Orifice meter, Pittot
    tube, Rotameter, Classification of pumps - syringe pump,
    peristaltic pump, centrifugal pumps, fans, Blowers&
    Compressors, Types of valves.


    Unit 1. Properties & Handling of solids 4
    Characterization of solid particles Particle shape, Particle
    size & its analysis, mixing of solids-Ribbon mixer, pony
    mixer, beater mixer, kneaders & disperser blades.

    Unit 2. Grinding & Mixing 4
    Ball mill, fluid energy mill, Agitated mills & colloid mill,
    pulveriser, Agitated vessel & types of impellers, flow
    patterns, power required for agitation.

    Unit3. Units and dimensions 6
    Measurement conventions, density, specific gravity, specific
    volume, mole, chemical composition, temperature, pressure,
    standard conditions and ideal gases, ideal gas law, physical
    & chemical property data, Stoichiometry with suitable
    biochemical example.

    Unit 4. Fundamental of material balance 8
    Law of conservation of mass, types of material balance,
    procedure for material balance, calculation with suitable
    biochemical examples, material balance with recycle, bypass
    and purge system, Stoichiometry of growth and product
    formation, growth Stoichiometry & elemental balances,
    Electron balances, biomass yield, product Stoichiometry,
    Theoretical oxygen demand, maximum possible yield.

    Text Books:

    1) Unit operations of chemical Engineering – W.L. McCabe
    and J.M.Smith.
    2) Bioprocess Engineering principles – Pauline M.Doran.

    Reference Books-

    1) Transport processes and separation process principles –
    Christic John Geankoplis.
    2) Stoichiometry – By Hougen and Watson.
    3) Chemical Engg Volume I – Richardson and coulson.

    List of Experiments:

    Experiments on following topics are to be conducted:-
    1. Friction losses through pipes.
    2. Venturimeter.
    3. Orifice meter.
    4. Bernoulli’s experiment.
    5. Ribbon blender.
    6. Sieve analysis.
    7. Ball mill.
    8. Sedimentation.
    9. Measurement of density for different liquid & solids,
    specific volume.
    10. Assignment on material balance of any process.
    11. Plate & Frame filter press.
    12. Leaf filter.
    Note: Any eight (8) experiments are to be conducted.

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-III

    6. Microbial Identification studies
    Practical hours/week: 2
    Term work: 25 marks

    Students will be provided with unknown microbial culture.
    The student shall identify and characterize the given culture
    based on morphological, cultural and biochemical
    characteristics (using Bergey’s Manual series) and submit
    report to the department on the work carried out throughout
    the semester. The term work marks shall be based on
    1) The performance of the student
    2) Report on work done
    3) Questions and answers during report submission

    The faculty member/members shall guide the students in:

    1) Information retrieval (literature survey)
    a. Source of information i.e. names of the books,
    journals, reports books etc.
    b. Searching for the information i.e. referring to
    manuals etc.
    2) Preparation of the protocol and work plan
    3) Preparation of the report as per the guidelines of
    4) The theoretical aspects of 16S rRNA technique and DNADNA
    hybridization technique and its application in microbial

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-III

    7. Soft skills-I
    Tutorial hours/week: 1
    Term work: 25 marks

    Personal Competences

    Soft skills
    Definition & importance, general types of soft skill (social,
    Psychological, Communication)
    Personal Qualities
    Introduction, components of personality, multitask
    handling, Administrative and technocratic qualities,
    introduction to personal evaluation and appraisal
    Thinking skill
    Importance of thinking, types of thinking,
    Intelligence and emotional quotient
    Leadership skills
    Definition, types of leaderships, leadership styles
    Time management
    Importance & significance of time, utilization,
    Business etiquettes
    Introduction, importance, different types of etiquettes,
    manners, protocols, corporate culture
    Stress management
    Definition, types of stress, stress management,
    Term work marks shall be based on-
    Personality tests
    IQ and EQ tests
    Leadership essays
    Time schedules of different organizations
    Diversified culture

    Reference Books

    Organizational Behavior by Don Hellriegel, Jhon W. Slocum,
    Richard W. Woodman

    Second Year Engineering

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-IV

    1. Biostatistics
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 3
    Theory : 100
    Tutorial : 1
    Term Work : 25


    Unit 1 Descriptive Statistics: 4
    1.1 Presentation of Data : Frequency Distribution,
    Graphical presentation
    of data.
    1.2 Measures of Location: Mean, Median, Mode and
    simple properties (Without derivation)
    1.3 Measures of Dispersion: Range, Variance,
    Standard Deviation (S.D)
    Coefficient of Variation.

    Unit 2 Probability: 5
    2.1 Statistical Probability with simple problems.
    2.2 Conditional probability.
    2.3 Baye’s Theorem.

    Unit 3 Probability Distribution 4
    a. Discrete Distributions – Binomial, Poisson
    distribution and properties.
    b. Continuous Distributions – Normal distribution and

    Unit 4: Test of Significance: 8
    4.1 Sampling distribution of mean and standard error
    4.2 Large sample tests (test for an assumed mean and
    equality of two
    population means)
    4.3 small sample tests (t-test for an assumed mean
    and equality of means
    of two populations), Paired t-test.
    4.4 Confidence Interval for means.

    Unit 1: Correlation and Regression: 6
    1.1 Bivariate data – simple correlation and regression
    coefficients and
    their relation.
    1.2 Linear regression and equations of line of
    1.3 Curve Fitting.
    1.4 Logistic Regression.

    Unit 2: Test using Chi-square Distribution: 5
    2.1 Inference about population variance.
    2.2 Goodness of fit test.
    2.3 Test for independence of attributes Yates’s
    2.4 Confidence Interval for variances.

    Unit 3: Experimental Design: 6
    3.1 Principles of experimental designs, completely
    randomized design.
    3.2 Randomized block design and precision of results.
    3.3 Simple factorial experiments of 22, 23.
    3.4 Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and its uses in the

    Unit 4: Sampling and Research Methodology:
    4 4.1 Sampling Techniques –Simple random sampling,
    Systematic, Stratified
    Multistage, Cluster sampling (Theoretical)
    4.2 Designing and Methodology of an Experiment.

    General Instructions:

    1. For the term work of 25 marks, batch wise tutorials
    are to be conducted. The number of students per batch
    should be as per University pattern for practical
    2. Minimum number of assignments should be 8 covering
    all topics.
    3. Use Statistical software to solve the real life and
    engineering problems.
    Nature of Question paper:
    1. There will be two sections carrying 50 marks each.
    2. There will be four questions in each section and three
    question should be attempted from each section.

    Reference Books:

    1. Statistics and Experimental Design – An Introduction
    for Biologists and
    Biochemists – Geoffrey Clark
    2. Gupta S.C. Fundamentals of Statistics. Himalaya
    Publishing House, New
    3. Daniel W.W, Biostatistics: A Foundation for Analysis
    in the Health.
    4. Introduction to Biostatistics and Research
    Methodology – Rao & Richard.
    5. Mathematical Models in Biology – Allman & Rhodes.

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-IV

    2. Unit Operation – II
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 4
    Theory : 100
    Practical : 2
    Term Work : 25
    Practical/oral : 25


    Unit 1. Mechanism of heat transfer. Basic law of conduction,
    steady-state conduction combine resistances, combine
    conduction and convention. Heat flow through cylinder.  7

    Unit 2. Convection heat transfer, dimensional analysis,
    forced and natural convection, convention in flow over
    surfaces through pipes. Boiling and condensation. 7

    Unit 3. Heat exchangers 10
    Types of heat exchanging Equipments, Double- pipe heat
    exchanger. Countercurrent and parallel flows heat flux and
    overall and individual heat transfer coefficients. LMTD,
    fouling factor and typical overall heat transfer coefficient,
    extended surfaces.

    Unit 4. Evaporation 6
    Design of evaporators, overall heat transfer coefficients,
    calculation for single and multiple effects.


    Unit 1. Molecular diffusion 7
    Diffusion theory, role of diffusion in Bioprocessing, film
    theory, oxygen uptake in cell culture, factors affecting
    cellular oxygen demand oxygen transfer from gas bubble to

    Unit 2. Distillation 9
    Raoult’s law, Ideal solutions types of distillation vapour liquid
    equilibria. McCabe Thiele method. Azeotrophic distillation,
    Total reflux, minimum and optimum, extractive distillation,
    reflux ratio, molecular distillation, vacuum distillation.

    Unit 3. Drying 9
    Classification of dryers, principles of drying, calculation of
    heat duty, rate of drying, Critical moisture content,
    calculation of drying time, drying equipments, freeze dryer,
    tray dryer, rotary dryer, fluidized bed dryer, spray dryer,
    drum dryer, flash dryer.

    Unit 4. Extraction 5
    Introduction to liquid-liquid extraction, Application of
    extraction to biological system, batch operation.

    Text books:

    1) Unit operations of Chemical Engg.-W. L. McCabe and J.
    M. Smith.
    2) Bioprocess Engg. Principles- Pauline M.Doran.

    Reference books:

    1) Transport processes and separation processes
    principles- Christic John Geankoplis
    2) Stoichiometry by Hougen and Watson.
    3) Chemical Engg. Vol. 2. By Richardson & Coulson.

    List of Experiments:

    Experiments on following topics are to be conducted:-
    1. Heat transfer in metal rod.
    2. Heat transfer through insulating powder.
    3. Double pipe heat exchanger.
    4. Shell & tube heat exchanger.
    5. Forced convection.
    6. Natural convection.
    7. Lagged pipe.
    8. Simple distillation.
    9. Vacuum distillation.
    10. Vacuum dryer.
    11. Rotary Dryer.
    12. Extraction of solute.
    Note: Any eight (8) experiments are to be conducted.

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-IV

    3. Enzyme Technology
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 4
    Theory : 100
    Practical : 2
    Term Work : 25
    Practical/oral : 25


    Unit 1. Enzymes 9
    Classification, nomenclature, International units and types of
    enzymes, General characters of enzymes: characters such
    as specificity, catalysis and regulation and localization of
    enzymes in the cell, Structure of enzymes: Primary,
    secondary and tertiary structure of enzyme.

    Unit 2. Enzyme Kinetics 7

    Introduction to kinetics: activation energy, transition state
    theory and energy, consideration, Kinetics of single
    substrate enzyme catalysed reaction- Michaelis- Menten
    equation, Significance of Km and Vmax, Modifications of
    Michaeli’s –Menten plot.

    Unit 3. Enzyme inhibition and its kinetics 5
    Types of inhibition- Reversible and
    irreversible inhibition, Kinetics of inhibition.

    Unit 4. Enzyme Catalysis 9
    Catalytic efficiency- proximity and orientation effects,
    distortion or strain, Different mechanisms of enzyme
    catalysis, acidbase and covalent catalysis and metal-ion
    catalysis, Molecular mechanism of action of chymotrypsin,
    Lysozyme, Chemical modification of enzymes


    Unit 1. Allosteric and regulatory enzyme 7
    Binding of ligands to Protein, Co-operativity models- MWC
    and KNF model, Regulations by allosteric enzymes, Other
    mechanisms of enzyme regulation-enzyme induction and
    repression and covalent modification.

    Unit 2. Immobilized enzymes 6
    Methods of immobilization - ionic bonding, adsorption,
    covalent, bonding (based on R groups of amino acids),
    microencapsulation and gel entrapment, Properties of
    immobilized enzymes, Applications of immobilized enzymes.

    Unit 3. Production of enzymes 10
    Sources of enzymes-animal plant and microbial sources,
    Large scale production of enzymes- basic methodology of
    production, extraction and purification of enzymes, Enzyme
    production and recombinant DNA technology.

    Unit 4. Biotechnological applications of enzymes 7
    Applications of enzymes in food, sugar, leather, detergent
    industries etc., Uses of enzymes in drug, medicine,
    industries, Uses of enzymes to make amino acids and
    peptides, Legislative and safety aspects.

    Text Books:

    A text book of Biochemistry,-A.V.S.S. Rama Rao 9th ed (UBS
    Publisher’s and Distributors Pvt. Ltd.)
    Leninger: Principles of Biochemistry, 3rd Ed.-Nelson D. et al
    (Worth Publishers)
    Basic Biotechnology, 2nd Ed.-Ratledge, C and Kristiansen B.
    Reference Books:

    Fundamentals of Enzymology Price and Stevens
    Enzymes Dixon and Webb
    Isoenzymes By D. W. Moss
    Immobilized Biocatalysts W. Hartneir
    Selected papers Allosteric Regulation M. Tokushige
    Biochemistry, 5th, Ed.Berg,J.M. Tymoczko J.L. and Stryer L.
    (W.H. Freman & Co.)
    Molecular biology of the Cell,2nd Ed.- Alberts B. et al
    (Garland Publishing)
    Molecula cell biology, 2nd Ed.- Lodish et al.

    List of Experiments:

    1. Isolation of amylase, protease and cellulase producing
    2. Qualitative detection of enzymesa)
    b) Cellulase
    c) Urease
    d) Catalase
    e) Invertase
    3. Assay of enzyme (Amylase/ Invertase)
    4. Effect of variables on enzyme activity- amylase/invertase
    a. Substrate concentration
    b. Temperature
    c. pH
    5. Effect of inducers and inhibitors on amylase/ invertase
    6. Study of Immobilization by whole cell entrapment method

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-IV

    4. Metabolic Pathways and Their Regulation
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 3
    Theory : 100
    Practical : 2
    Term Work : 25
    Practical/oral : 25


    Unit 1. Metabolism of carbohydrates 8
    Glycogenolysis, Glycogenesis, Glycolysis, TCA cycle,
    HMPshunt pathway, Pentose phosphate pathway,
    Gluconeogenesis, Fermentation.

    Unit 2. Metabolism of lipids 5
    J, K, R oxidation of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid,
    propionate pathway, Biosynthesis of Lipids and cholesterol

    Unit 3. Metabolism of Proteins 5
    Transamination of amino acids, Deamination of amino acids,
    urea cycle. Biosynthesis of amino acids, Biosynthesis of

    Unit 4. Metabolism of nucleic acids 5
    Biosynthesis of purines and pyraimidines, catabolism of
    purines and pyramidines


    Unit 1. Biological oxidation 7
    Enzymes of biological oxidation, High energy compounds –
    ATP, ADP. Electron transport chain, oxidative
    phosphorylation, pigments involved in photosysnthesis

    Unit 2. Electron transport under anaerobic condition: 7

    Nitrate respiration-denitrification and nitrate amonification,
    Denitrification, Reduction of sulphur to hydrogen sulphide,
    the formation of methane by reduction of carbonate, the
    formation of acetate by reduction of carbonate, the
    formation of succinate by reduction of fumerate,reduction of
    iron ( III ) to iron (II ) ions.

    Unit 3. Inorganic hydrogen donors 4
    Aerobic chemolithotropic bacteria, Ammonium and nitrite
    oxidation, nitrification, oxidation of reduced sulphur
    compounds, oxidation of iron (III ), oxidation of molecular
    hydrogen, carbondioxide fixation.

    Unit 4. Stoichiometric and kinetics of microbial growth
    from a thermodynamic perspective
    Nomenclature, Introduction, Stoichiometric calculations,
    Stoichiometric prediction based on Gibbs Energy dissipation,
    growth kinetics from a thermodynamic point of view

    Text books

    1. Topley and Wilson’s Microbiology and Microbial
    infections 9th Edn vol 5 –Cox F.E.G. et al (Arnold
    publication )
    2 .U. Satyanarayana’s Biochemistry 2nd Edn (Uppala
    3 . General Microbiology 7th Edn. Schlegel H.G (Cambridge
    University Press )

    Reference books

    1. Molecular Biology of the Cell , 2nd Edn.- Albert Bruce
    (garland Publication )
    2. Molecular Cell Biology, 2nd Edn Lodish et al
    3. Biochemistry by Stryer

    List of Experiments:

    1. Estimation of serum creatinine by Jaffe’s Method.
    2. Estimation of serum Albumin by Bromocresol dye method.
    3. Estimation of serum Bilirubin-Direct and Indirect by
    Malloy and Evelyn method.
    4. Estimation of serum Triglcerides.
    5. Estimation of serum SGOT.
    6. Estimation of serum SGPT.
    7. Estimation of serum alkaline phosphatase.
    8. Estimation of serum cholesterol.
    9. Column chromatographic separation of proteins by Gel
    10. Separation of proteins by polyacrylamide gel

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-IV

    5. Molecular Biology
    Teaching Scheme: Hrs
    Examination Scheme: Marks
    Lectures : 4
    Theory : 100
    Practical : 4
    Term Work : 25
    Practical/oral : 50


    Unit 1. Genetic material 4
    a) Evidences for nucleic acids as genetic material
    b) Watson and Crick’s model of DNA structure
    c) Alternative forms of DNA.

    Unit 2. Organization of genetic material 14
    a) Viruses: Nature of genetic material, unfolding and packing
    of viral genetic material.
    b) Bacteria: Folded fibre model in E. coli.
    c) Eucaryotes: Nucleus, nucleosomes, Euchromatin and
    heterochromatin, histones and non histone proteins, Giant
    chromosomes, satellite DNA. Structure of class I, class II
    and class III genes.
    d) Split genes and overlapping genes.

    Unit 3. Duplication of chromosome and DNA 9
    a) DNA replication in E. coli- rules and enzymes involved
    theta and rolling circle model.
    b) Nucleic acid replications in viruses: basic model- rolling
    circle, theta and linear DNA replication.
    c) Organelle DNA replication – chloroplasts and
    d) Chromosome duplication – Taylor’s experiment, Dupra’s
    folded fibre and alternative folded fibre models of metaphase
    e) RNA replication.

    Unit 4. Plasmids 3
    Nomenclature and classification; general properties and
    types; detection and purification; replication and transfer


    Unit 1. Molecular aspects of gene regulation and expression 15
    a) Evolution of one cistron one polypeptide theory.
    b) Genetic code-Deciphering of genetic code, Dictionary and
    important properties of genetic code.
    c) Transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, RNA
    processing, structures of rRNA, tRNA and mRNA, antisense
    RNA and its significance, post-transcriptional processes,
    Novel structural motifs in transcription factors in eukaryotes.
    d) Translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, operon
    models-lactose, tryptophan and arabinose, Post-translational
    modifications, fate of newly synthesized proteins.
    e) Environmental factors in gene expression.
    f) Inhibitors of transcription and translation.
    g) Regulation of gene expression.
    h) Global influences on gene expression.

    Unit 2. DNA damage and repair 5
    Types of damages, damaging agents, repair mechanisms -
    photoreactivation, dark repair, postreplicational
    recombination repair, SOS repair.

    Unit 3. DNA recombination 4
    Homologous recombination, Site-specific recombination,
    Consequences of recombination event.

    Unit 4. Mobile elements in prokaryotes and eukaryotes 6
    Discovery, Characteristics of transposable elements, Types:
    insertion sequences, transposons, Retrosposons, Maize
    transposons, Ty elements of yeast, Transposition- replicative
    and non-replicative, formation of target site duplications.

    Text books:
    1. Genes VII – Benjamin Lewin
    2. Molecular Biology – Freifelder
    3. Molecular Biology and biotechnology, 4th ed by Walker
    J.M. and Rapley R.
    4. Molecular Biology of the genes – Watson J.D.
    5. Principles of Genetics - Gardner E.J. Simmons M.J. and
    Slustad D.P.
    6. Genetics – Monroe W. and Strickberger

    Reference books:
    The Cell - Bruce Alberts et al
    Molecular Biology of cell – Lodish et al
    Genes and Genomes – Singer M and Berg P.

    List of Experiments:
    1. Demonstration of bacterial and yeast DNA.
    2. Spooling of chromosomal DNA from onion cells.
    3. Isolation of DNA from bacteria and yeasts.
    4. Isolation of RNA from yeasts.
    5. Isolation of bacterial plasmid.
    6. Isolation of yeast plasmid.
    7. Principles and practice of agarose gel electrophoresis.
    8. Quantitation of DNA.
    9. Isolation of restriction endonucleases from bacteria.
    10. Testing of chemicals for mutagenecity using Ame’s
    11. Determination of melting temperature (Tm) and
    base composition of DNA from thermal denaturation
    12. Isolation of plant mitochondrial DNA.
    13. In vitro transcription.
    14. Purification of plasmid.
    15. Tunel technique- DNA repair.
    16. Bacterial conjugation.

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-IV

    6. Basic computer language skills
    Practical hours/week: 2
    Term work: 25 marks

    1. MS-Window Operating System
    a. Introduction
    b. System Requirements
    c. Installation (Microsoft XP and Microsoft Server2000)
    d. Security Features, Administrator Privileges
    e. Authentication, User account creation

    2. Unix Operating System
    a. Introduction to Unix
    b. Installation of RedHat Linux, or Fedora Core or Ubuntu
    c. Terminal Commands, VI-Editor
    d. Shell Commands and Scripts
    e. Open Office

    3. C, C++, Oracle, Visual basic, dotnet

    4. Internet and Web Browsing
    a. Internet Explore, Mozilla Fire Fox
    b. Biological Search Engines- SRS, Entrez
    c. Protein Data Bank and Structural analysis
    d. Visualization tools- RasMol, SwissPDB, Cn3D
    e. Literature Databases- PubMed, Medline, Scirus, Nature

    Second Year Engineering: Semester-IV

    7. Soft skills-II
    Tutorial hours/week: 1
    Term work: 25 marks

    Corporate Culture and Team Work
    Communication skills-
    Oral/spoken, written communication skills, effective
    presentation skill
    Interpersonal skills-
    Definition, significance, different types of interpersonal skills
    Teamwork/collaboration skills –
    Basic types of team, team effectiveness factors
    Problem-solving skills –
    Introduction, Different steps in problem solving, barriers in
    problem solving,
    Decision making,
    Work ethic -
    Definition of profession, Importance of values, types of
    management’s ethics, work attitude
    Conflict management-
    Definition, varieties of conflicts, negotiation
    Self evaluation and appraisal
    Importance and significance, parameters of evaluation and
    Term work marks shall be based on-
    Technical Presentation
    Team work- case study
    Corporate meeting
    Case study of corporate problem
    Self evaluation

    Reference Books
    Organizational Behavior by Don Hellriegel, Jhon W. Slocum,
    Richard W. Woodman