4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Review of Z-Transform, Solution of Linear Difference Equations, Fourier series and
Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Radix-2 FFT.
Introduction to Radix-4 and Split Radix FFT, Discrete Cosine Transform, DCT as
Orthogonal Transform, Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform, Wavelet Transform.
Digital Filters:
FIR Filter Design: Filter Specifications, Coefficient Calculation Methods- Window
method, Optimal method, Frequency Sampling method. Realization Structures, Finite
Word Length Effects.
IIR Filter Design: Specifications, Coefficient Calculation methods- Pole-Zero Placement
method, Impulse Invariant method, Matched Z-Transform method, Bilinear ZTransformation
method, Use of BZT and Classical Analog Filters to design IIR Filters.
Realization Structures, Finite Word Length Effects. (8)
Multirate Digital Signal Processing:
Sampling Rate Alteration Devices, Multirate Structures for sampling rate conversion,
Multistage design of Decimator and Interpolator, The Polyphase Decomposition,
Arbitrary Rate Sampling Rate Converter, Filter Banks, QMF banks, Multilevel Filter
Banks, Sub-band Coding, Discrete Wavelet Transform. (7)
Linear Prediction and Optimum Linear Filters:
Forward and Backward Linear Prediction, Properties of Linear Prediction-Error Filters,
AR Lattice and ARMA Lattice-Ladder Filters, Wiener Filters for Filtering and
Adaptive Digital Filters:
Concepts of Adaptive Filtering, LMS Adaptive Algorithm, Recursive Least Squares
Algorithm, Applications. (5)
Power Spectrum Estimation:
Nonparametric methods for Power Spectrum Estimation, Bartlett method, Welch method,
Blackman and Tukey method, Parametric methods for Power Spectrum Estimation, Yule-
Walker method, Burg method, Unconstrained Least-Squares method, Sequential
Estimation methods, Selection of AR Model Order, MA model for Power Spectrum
Estimation, ARMA model for Power Spectrum Estimation. (7)
DSP Chips:
Introduction to fixed point and floating point processors, ADSP21xx and TMS320Cxx-
Architecture, Memory, Addressing Modes, Interrupts, Applications. Comparison of
ADSP21xx and TMS320Cxx series. (6)
Practice Task:
(Implement the following programs in MATLAB)
1. Convolution of Causal and Non Causal Sequences.
2. Circular Convolution.
3. DFT and FFT of Discrete time sequences.
4. Design of FIR Filters.
5. Design of IIR Filters.
6. Simulation of Digital Filters.
7. Analysis of Finite Word Length Effects using different Filter Structures.
8. Decimation and Interpolation of Discrete time sequences.
9. Implementation of an Arbitrary rate Sampling Rate Converter.
10. Illustrate Adaptive Filtering using LMS Algorithm.
11. Illustrate Adaptive Filtering using RLS Algorithm.
12. Enhancement of Narrowband signals buried in Noise using Adaptive Filters.
13. Illustrate Power Spectrum Estimation and Analysis using Welch method.
14. Illustrate Power Spectrum Estimation and Analysis using Burg method.
15. Illustrate Power Spectrum Estimation and Analysis using Yule-Walker method.
16. System Design based on ADSP 21XX DSP chip.
Recommended Books:
1. “Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach”, by Ifeacher & Jervis, -
Pearson Education.
2. “Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, by
Proakis & Manolakis, 4e, -Pearson Education
3. “Digital Signal Processing”, by S.K.Mitra, -Tata-Mcgraw Hill.
4. “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, Oppenheim & Schafer. PHI.
5. “Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB”, by Robert J.
Schilling & Sndra L. Harris. -CENGAGE Learning.
6. “Modern Digital Signal Processing”, Roberto Cristi.
7. “Modern Filter Theory”, by Johnson & Johnson
8. “Theory and application of Digital Signal Processing”, by Rabiner & Gold
9. “Digital Signal Processing”, Schuam’s Series.
10. “Digital Signal Processing”, by Salivahanan, Vallavaraj & Gnanapriya, -
Tata-Mcgraw Hill.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Review of Optical Fiber Communication:
Need of optical transmission, Fiber optic communication system, Advantage of OFC,
Basic optical laws and transmission parameters, Geometrical optics description: Step
Index Fiber & Graded Index Fiber, Mode Theory for optical propagation, Modes in
planar wave, Phase & Group Velocity. (05)
Signal Degradation in OFS:
Attenuation, Material Absorption, Scattering Loss, Bending Loss, Information Capacity
Determination, Group Delay, Material Dispersion, Waveguide Dispersion, Higher order
Dispersion, Polarization Mode Dispersion. (06)
Optical Transmitter:
Basic Concept: Emission and absorption Rates, p-n junctions, Non-radiative
recombination, semiconductor materials, LED: Power current relationship, LED
spectrum, LASER Diodes, ILD & its characteristics, Optical Gain, Feedback and Laser
threshold. (06)
Optical Receivers:
Optical detection principles & devices, Detection response time, p-i-n photo-diode,
Avalanche photodiode, Receiver operation: Digital Transmission, Error sources, Receiver
configuration, Digital receiver performance, Probability of error, the quantum limit.
Digital and Analog Transmission System:
Point to point links: System consideration, Link power budget, Rise time budget, First
generation distance, Transmission distance for single mode fiber.
Line coding: NRZ codes, RZ codes, error correction, noise effects on system
Overview of Analog links, carrier to noise ratio. (07)
Optical Amplifier:
Basic application and types of optical amplifiers, Semiconductor optical amplifiers,
Erbium doped fiber amplifiers: architecture and types, Amplifier-noise, Raman
Amplifier, wavelength converters. (07)
Optical Networks:
Basic Networks, SONET/SDH networks, Operational principle of WDM networks, Non
linear effects on network performance, Performance of WDM+EDFA system, Solitons,
Optical CDMA & TDMA, Optical Switches/Cross Connect, Add/Drop Mux. (07)
Practice Task:
Practical tasks related to theory.
Recommended Books:
1. Fiber-optic communication system, Govind P. Agrawal 3rd Edition, Wiley
2. Optical Fiber Communications by Gerd keiser, 3rd edition, Mc. Graw Hill.
3. Fiber optic communication, Jospeh c. Palais, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
4. Optical Networks, Black, Pearson education.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Elements of a Digital communication system, communication channels and their
characteristics, mathematical models for communication channels, recent trends in digital
communication, Deterministic and Random Signal Analysis, Band pass and Low pass
Signal Representation, Signal space representation of waveforms. 5
Digital modulation Schemes
Representations of digitally modulated signals, memory less modulation methods,
PAM,PM,QAM, multidimensional signaling, Signaling scheme with memory,
CPFSK,CPM, Power spectrum of Digitally modulated signals, PSD of a digitally
modulated signals with memory, PSD of linearly modulated signals. 10
Optimum Receivers for Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels
Waveforms and vector channel models, waveforms and Vector AWGN channels,
Optimum detection for the Vector AWGN channel, Implementation of the optimal
receiver for AWGN channels, the correlation receiver, matched filter receiver, frequency
domain interpretation of the matched filter. Performance analysis for wire line and radio
communication system. 10
Carrier and symbol synchronization
Signal parameter estimation, the likelihood function, carrier recovery and symbol
synchronization in signal demodulation, carrier phase estimation, maximum likelihood
carrier phase estimation, phase locked loop, effect of noise on the phase estimation,
symbol timing estimation, maximum likelihood timing estimation , non –decision
directed timing estimation. 8
Multichannel and Multicarrier System
Multichannel Digital Communication in AWGN channels, binary signals, M-ary
orthogonal signals,Multicarrier communication, single-carrier versus multicarrier
modulation, Capacity of a Nonideal linera filter channel, orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM), modulation and demodulation in an OFDM system, Spectral
characteristics of multicarrier signals, Bit and Power allocation in multicarrier
modulation. 8
Spread Spectrum Signals for Digital Communication
Model of spread spectrum digital communication system, direct sequence spread
spectrum signals, frequency hopped spread spectrum signals, CDMA system based on
FHSS signals, Synchronization of spread spectrum systems. 4
Practical Task:
1. Digital Modulation techniques using MATLAB
2. Study of Spread spectrum signals
3. Simulation of digital communication system
1. Digital Communications by JG Proakis & M Salehi, 5th Edition McGraw Hill
2. Principle of Communication systems –Taub & Schilling,Tata Mc Graw Hill
3.Digital Communication –Simon Haykins , John Wiley & Sons.
4. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and applications-Bernard Sklar, Prentice Hall
4 0 0
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Series solution of differential equations, Power series methods, Legendre’s polynomial,
Generating functions, Recurrence relations. (08)
Frobenius method, Series solution of Bessel’s differential equation, Modified Bessel’s
functions, Generating functions, Recurrence relations. (08)
Equations reducible to Bessel’s equation. (04)
Sturm Liouville’s problem, orthogonal functions, Orthogonality of eigen functions, Eigen
function expansions. (06)
Conformal mapping, Exponential function ,Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic
functions, Inverse trigonometric functions, Logarithmic function, Power function,
Bilinear and Schwarz-Christoffel transformation, Applications to engineering problems.
Matrices, Functions of square matrices, Quadratic and Hermitian forms, Solution of
linear simultaneous equations by Gaussian elimination and its modifications, Crout’s
triangularization method, Iterative method’s-Jacobi’s method, Gauss-Seidel method,
Eigevalue by iteration. (10)
System simulation, Technique of simulation, Monte Carlo method, Comparison and
simulation with analytical method, Numerical computation techniques. (8)
Recommended Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wylie and Barren, Mcgrawhill,6th
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publications
3. Narsingh Deo, System Simulation with Digital Computer, Prentice Hall of India
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons,8th
5. Geoffrey Gordon System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India
6. Engineering Mathematics, Bali &lyingar, Laxmi Publication.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Introduction to Digital Design Concepts:
Design Constraints and Logic Representation of System. (02)
Analog interfacing:
A/D conversion concepts, Analog & Digital Conversion related errors.
Combinational Logic Design and Implementation:
Multiplexer/Decoder, PLA/Pal/GAL,ROM,CPLD and FPGA level customized design,
ALU, VHDL models and simulations of combinational circuits. (18)
Sequential Logic Design and Implementation:
Practical Synchronous and asynchronous circuit design. Design and Implementation of
sequential digital system, state representation, analysis of digital systems,
synchronization, design criteria, design procedure. High level modeling of digital
systems, controller realization, Timing & Frequency consideration, system examples.
VHDL models and simulation of sequential circuits (18)
Design for Testability:
Fault and Fault coverage in digital circuits, internal scan test methodology, BIST and
Boundary scan (JTAG) techniques.
Practice Task:
Practical tasks related to theory.
Recommended Books:
1. Combinational design & testing using PLA/PAL/ROM chips.
2. Combinational design, simulation, synthesis & implementation.
3. An Engineering Approach to Digital Design –W.J.Fletcher
4. Digital Design –M. Morris Mano
5. Digital Design principles and practices by J.F.Wakerly
6. Digital Systems-Principles and applications-Ronald Tocci.
7. Principles of Digital Design –Daniel D.Gajaski, Prentice Hall.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Part A
Introduction to Embedded System:
Their classification & characteristics, Concepts and Processes of system level design of
embedded system. (04)
Introduction to microcontrollers, Memory , Buses, Direct Memory Access , Interrupts,
Microprocessor Architecture, Interrupt Basic, Shared Data Problems, Interrupt Latency, PIC
16F8XX Flash Microcontrollers, CPU architecture, Register file structure, Instruction Set,
Programs, Timers and Interrupts, Interrupt Service Routine , Features of Interrupts, Interrupt
vector & Priority, Timing Generation & Measurements, Interfacing Methods, I/O Interface, LCD
interfacing, Seven segment interfacing, I2 C Bus, DAC, ADC, UART. (11)
Program Modeling Concepts in Single and multiprocessor system Software-
Development Process:
Modeling Processes for software Analysis before software implementation, Program
model for event controlled, Modeling of Multiprocessor Systems. (08)
Part B
Embedded Core Based Design:
System -on -Chip, Application specific Integrated circuit, Overview of Embedded
Processors like ARM, MIPS and Intel MMX series, Architecture, Organization and
instruction set, Memory management, High level logic synthesis. Data parallel issues e.g
SIMD, MIMD, MISD, SISD. Introduction to FPGA, Basics of FPGA (15)
Real Time programming and Operating System (RTOS)
RTOS Overview, Basics of RT- Linux as a RTOS, Assembly language, C++ (07)
Practice Task:
1. PIC Programming
2. FPGA Programming
3. PIC Microcontroller based projects
Recommended Books:
1. Microcontrollers ( Theory and Applications)- Ajay V. Deshmukh
2. An Embedded System Primer, by David E. Simon
3. Embedded system Design by Steve Heath
4. PIC Microcontroller by John B. Peatman
5. ARM system architecture by Steve Furber(Addison Wesley)
6. Programming Embedded System in C/C++ by M.Barr
7. Real Time Systems by H. Kopetz
8. Embedded Systems- Raj Kamal
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Fundamental concept of digital image processing, component of image processing
system, image acquisition. (04)
Basic Image Fundamentals:
Pixels, sampling, quantization, resolution, representation as a matrix, operation, camera
angles and perspective transformation. (05)
Image Enhancement:
Concept of Spatial Domain and Frequency domain enhancement, Basic Gray Level
Transformation, Histogram Processing, Enhancement using Arithmetic/logic Operations,
Subtraction, Averaging, Basics of Spatial Filtering.
Image Restoration
Model of the image Degradation/Restoration Process, Noise Models, Restoration in the
presence of Noise, point spread function Different point spread functions, Blurring, Deblurring
Algorithm. (07)
Color Image Processing:
Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Basics of Full-Color image processing, Color
Transformations. (06)
Image Compression:
Coding redundancy, Interpixel redundancy, Psychovisual redundancy, Huffman Coding,
Arithmetic coding, Lossy compression techniques, JPEG Compression. (06)
Image Segmentation & Representation:
Point, Line and Edge Detection, Thresholding, Edge and Boundary linking, Hough
transforms, Region Based Segmentation, Boundary representation, Boundary
Descriptors, Regional Descriptors (09)
Practice Task:
(Based on MATLAB)
1. Intensity transformation
2. Histogram Processing.
3. Spatial Filtering.
4. Frequency Domain Processing.
5. Image Restoration.
6. Image Denoising
7. Color Image Processing
8. Wavelet Transform
9. Image Compression
10. Morphological Image Processing
11. Point, Line and Edge Detection
12. Image Segmentation
13. Image Representation and Description
14. Object Recognition
Recommended Books:
1. Digital Image processing by R.C. Gonzalez and R.F.Woods (Pearson Education)
2. Algorithms for image Processing and Computer Vision by James R.Parker
3. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by A.K Jain
4. The Image Processing Handbook, Fourth Edition by John C. Ruses
5. Digital Image Processing by W.K.Pratt
6. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB by Woods & Gonzalez (Pearson
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Mobile Communication:
Types of Mobile Communication Systems, Mobile radio systems around the world,
Trends in cellular radio and personal communications. (03)
Cellular Design Fundamentals:
Frequency reuse, Channel alignment strategies, handoff strategies, interference and
system capacity, improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems, mechanism for
capacity improvement-cell splitting, cell sectoring, and micro cell zone concept.
Multiple access schemes : TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, OFDMA, Random
Multiple access Scheme, Packet Radio Protocols, CSMA, Reservation Protocols,
Capacity of Cellular systems. (09)
GSM Architecture& Protocols, GSM Burst structure, Carrier and Burst
Synchronization, Design Consideration. Security Aspects, Power Control strategies.
CDMA Digital Cellular Standards, Services and Security Aspects, Network Reference
Model and Key Features, Advantages over TDMA, CDMA WLL System. Recent
developments. (05)
Multipath Propagation: Fading, Large scale path loss, reflection, Diffraction ,
Scattering, Outdoor Propagation model-Okumura Model, Hata Model,Indoor
Propagation Models. Small-scale multipath propagation, Types of small scale fading,
Rayleigh and Ricean distributions. Diversity Schemes. (11)
Introduction to 3G Wireless Networks:
WiFi, WiMax, Bluetooth (06)
Practice Task:-
1. Simulation and implementation of baseband digital signals
(i) Types of baseband signals: unipolar, polar, bipolar, RZ, NRZ, etc.
(ii) Distortion and noise. Eye diagram.
2. Simulation and implementation of modulated digital signals
(i) PSK, ASK and FSK modulations.
(ii) Demodulation with envelope detection and synchronous.
(iii) PSK differential modulation.
(iv) Quadrature modulations (QASK and QPSK).
(v) QAM modulation.
3. Global System for Mobiles (GSM)
(i) Cellular telephony. GSM Architecture.
(ii) Radiofrequency. Traffic and control channels. Frames.
(iii) AT Commands
(iv) Working of GSM mobile station.
4. Multiple Access
(i)Time division multiple Access
(ii) Frequency division multiple access
5. Spread Spectrum communication systems
(i) Pseudo-noise coders
(ii) Direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems
(iii) Frequency hopped spread spectrum communication systems
(iv) CDMA wireless computer communication systems
6. Channel Characteristics
(i) Multipath channel propagation characteristics
(ii) Bit-error rate measurement
7. Wireless Networks
(i)Bluetooth wireless network.
(ii) Wi-Fi
(iii) Wi-Max
8. Educational field visit to a Mobile Switching Center (MSC)
9. Study of Cellular Tower –offering public services.
Recommended Books:
1. Mobile and personal Communication Systems and services by Raj Pandya (PHI)
2. Wireless Communication by Rappart (PHI)
3. Mobile Communication by Lee (TMH)
4. Wirelesss & Mobile System by Dharam Prakash Aggarwal, Qing-
4 0 0
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Computer Network. Network Hardware and Software, Network Topologies. LAN, MAN,
and WAN. The OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model. Addressing, Circuit
Switched, Datagram and Virtual Circuit Networks. Hubs, Bridges, switches, Routers and
Gateways. Transmission Media and Impairments. (04)
Data Link Layer:
Design Issues, Error Control, Flow-control protocols: Stop-and-wait, and Slidingwindow.
Link protocols: HDLC, SLIP, and PPP Protocols. (05)
Local/ Personal Area Networks:
IEEE LAN standards: Ethernet (802.3), Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LAN (802.11),
Bluetooth, and Broadband Wireless (802.16). (05)
Wide Area Networks: X-25, Frame Relay, ATM. (04)
Network Layer:
Routing Algorithms: Shortest path routing, Flooding, Distance-vector routing, Link- state
routing, Hierarchical routing, Broadcast routing and Multicast routing.
Congestion control: Principles and policies congestion control in Virtual-circuit and
Datagram subnets. Load shedding and Jitter control.
Quality of Service: Techniques for achieving good Quality of Service. Integrated
Services. Differentiated Sevices. Label Switching and MPLS. (08)
Internetworking and Internet Protocols:
Tunneling, Fragmentation. The IPv4 Protocol, IPv4 addresses, IPv6 Protocol, Mobile IP,
OSPF, BGP, ARP, DHCP, Internet Control Protocols, Classless Inter-domain Routing
(CIDR), Network Address Translation (NAT), Subnetting and Supernetting. (08)
Transport Layer:
Transport layer protocol issues: Addressing, Connection Establishment, Connection
Release, Flow control and Multiplexing. Internet Transport Protocols: TCP and UDP.
Network Applications:
DNS, Electronic Mail, TELNET, FTP, SNMP, World-wide Web, Multi-media. (06)
Network Security:
Introduction to Network Security, Cryptography, Symmetric-key and Asymmetric Key
Algorithms. Digital Signatures. (05)
Recommended Books:
1. Computer Networks, 4th Ed, By A. S. Tanenbaum, Pearson Education.
2. Data and Computer Communications, 7th Ed, William Stallings, Pearson
3. Data Communications and Networks, 2nd Ed, Forouzan. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. COMER, D.E., Computer Networks and Internets. 2nd Ed., Delhi: Pearson
Education Asia, 1998.
5. KESHAV, S., An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: ATM
Networks, the Internets, and the Telephone Network. Addison- Wesley
Professional Computing Series, AWL International Student Edition, 1997 Ed.
6. PAHLAVAN, K. and KRISHNA MURTHY, P., Principles of Wireless
Networks, 2002; Delhi: Pearson Education.
7. STALLINGS, W., High-Speed Networks and Internets: Performance and
Quality of service.2nd Ed., Delhi: Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
8. SHELDON, TOM Encyclopedia of Networking, TMH
9. STEVENS, R.W. TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols, Addison-Wesley.
4 0 0
The TCP/IP reference model and protocol suite. IP address classes and Sub-netting.
Concepts of sockets and port numbers. Port number and association. TCP header.
UDP header, sockets. Connectionless and connection-oriented services. Socket creation.
Binding, connection establishment, Data transfer, closing sockets. I/O multiplexing,
Network library routines. Examples of client/server implantations. (16)
Interprocess Communication:
Remote procedure Call, Window Sockets, Named pipe, Mailslots, NetBIOS,and
IPX/SPX. (08)
Windows programming:
Architecture of Windows network operating system. Windows networking components.
Accessing networks resources. Accessing network resources from applications.
Multiple network providers. Windows server and domain controller. Access control and
network security. Inter-process communication in Windows. Networking within VDM
and Windows in Win32.
Win32 programming features. Error handling in Windows. Structured exception
handling. Threads. Inter-process and Intra-process synchronization. Overlapped I/P.
Memory-mapped File I/O and sharing memory. Control C handlers.
RPC programming. Windows Sockets programming. Named pipes in Windows.
Programming Mailslot.netBIOS programming.SPX/IPX Programming.
Web Programming:
HTML.XML, Scripting.
Practice Task: (To be covered under theory class)
1. Develop an SMTP client and a server.
2. Develop a POP client and a server
3. Develop a proxy server
Recommended Books:
1. SINHA, ALOK K.Network Programming in Windows NT, Addison-Wesley
2. STEVENS, R.W. TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol.1: The Protocols, Addison-Wesley
3. STVENS ,R.W.TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol.2
4. STEVENS,R.W. TCP/IP Ilustrated ,Vol.3
5. HTML in 24 Hours, SAMS.
6. Tanenbam, Computer Netwoks, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall
4 0 0
The Communication process and the nature of information. (02)
Information Sources, measurement of information and the Entropy Function:
Entropies defined, and why they are measures of information, marginal entropy, joint
entropy, Conditional entropy and the Chain Rule for Entropy. (06)
Sources with and without Memory:
Sources coding theorem, Prefix, Variable and Fixed- length Codes. Error Correcting
Codes. (06)
Channel Types, Properties, Noise and Channel Capacity:
Perfect communication through a noisy channel. The binary symmetric channel, their
classification and capacity of a noiseless discrete channel. The Hartley and Shannon laws
for channel capacity. (08)
Continuous Information; Density; Noisy Channel Coding Theorem:
Extensions of the discrete entropies and measures to the continuous case. Signal-to-noise
ratio; power spectral density, Gaussian channels, Relative significance of bandwidth and
noise limitations. The Shannon rate limit and efficiency for noisy continuous channels
Error Control Coding:
Linear blocks codes and their properties, hard-decision decoding, cyclic codes,
Convolution codes, Soft-decision decoding, Viterbi decoding algorithm. (08)
Advanced Coding Techniques and Cryptography:
BCH codes, Trellis coded modulation, introduction to cryptography, overview of
encryption techniques, symmetric cryptography, DES, IDEA, asymmetric algorithms,
RSA algorithm. (09)
Recommended Books:
1. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Richard B. Wells, Applied Coding and Information Theory for Engineers, Pearson
3. R.W.Hamming , Coding and Information Theory, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall
4. R.G.Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, Wiley
5. R.J. McEliece, The Theory of Information and Coding.Addison –Wesley
6. M.Mansuripur, Introduction to information Theory: Prentice Hall,1987
7. Taub & Schilling, Principles of communication, McGraw Hill
8. Thomas Cover & Joy Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley &
4 0 0
Fundamental Control Concepts, PLC System, CPU-Architecture, Programmers and
Monitors, PLC
Input and Output Modules-Analog and Digital, power Supply of PLCs, Internal Timers,
Counters, and Flags. Criteria for Selection of PLC, PLC vs. PC. Memory requirements.
Architecture, Potential benefits of SCADA.
Introduction to SCDA software (RS VIEW-32)Project Creation, Alarming, Data
Logging, Trending, Object keys, Derived Tags Event Generation, Macros, Object
Linking & Embedding, Security, PLC based SCADA Systems. (15)
Programming Procedures:
Different programming formats like ladder diagram, statement list, Boolean etc.
Programming based on ladder diagrams using relay, timers counters sequencers, data
transfer, comparison, arithmetic, logical instructions & software flags, Programming
equipments like computer, hand-held programmer, on-board programming, Human
machine interface, Program Scanning, Proximity Sensors and their connection to PLC,
PLC as PID Controller. (19)
Networking of PLCs, Types of Networking, and Cell control by PLCs.
Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers by Gray Dunmig, Boston,
2. Manuals on PLCs by Siemens/Allen Bradley
3. Proggraming Logic Controllers by Hackworth and Hackworth Jt.
4 0 3
Review of vector potentials & antenna parameters. Linear antennas viz. /2 &
/4(Input impedance, far fields, radiation resistance, directivity and efficiency). Antenna
array (different types, discussion on binomial & Dolph- Tschebysheff array), Super
directivity (Efficiency & directivity), design considerations. (05)
Antenna Synthesis and continuous sources (Line-source, Discretization of continuous
sources), Schelkunoff polynomial method, Fourier transform method, Taylor Linesource,
Triangular, cosine and cosine-squared amplitude distributions, continuous
aperture. (05)
Broad-band antennas (Bi-conical, Sleeve Dipole, Cylindrical dipole, rhombic antenna,
helical antenna, Yagi-Uda array), Frequency Independent antenna (planar and conical
spiral, log periodic). (05)
Different antenna: (Field equivalence principle) Radiation equations, Directivity,
Rectangular and Circular aperture (Radiation from apertures and distribution), Horn
antenna (E-plane, H-plane, Corrugated, Di-electric loaded-field & directivity calculation).
Micro-strip antenna, Basic characteristics, Rectangular and Circular patches,
Transmission line and cavity model, Feeding techniques and recent advancement.
Antenna fabrication techniques (Linear, Horn & Microstrip patch), Measurements
(Impedance, Gain, polarization and Radiation pattern). Matching techniques. Antenna
ranges. (05)
Smart Antenna (Principle, Block diagram), Design considerations and recent
development. (03)
Review of radar range equation (using all parameters), Radar Signal Integration, Range
Accuracy and Resolution, Signal detection and estimation, Clutter and noise suppression.
Simulation Software based discussion of antenna and radar (Design and Calculation).
Recommended Books:
1. C.A Balanis, Antenna Theory-Analysis, John Wiley
2. J.D.Karus- Antenna, McGraw Hill
3. Microstrip Antennas-I.J.Bahl P.Bhartia Artech house
4. M.I.Skolnik-Introduction to Radar System, McGraw Hill
5. B.Edde- Radar, Principles, Technology, Application-prentice Hall
6. D.K. Bartas- Modern Radar Systems Analysis-Artech House
4 0 3
Network and computer security issues. Security attacks, Security Services, and Security
Mechanisms. Network security models. Basic concept of symmetric and asymmetric
cryptography. (02)
Symmetric Key Cryptography:
Substitution and Transposition techniques. Block cipher principles. Data Encryption
Standard (DES), Triple DES. Block cipher modes of operation. Stream cipher structure
and RC4 algorithm. Confidentiality using symmetric key encryption. Symmetric key
distribution. (08)
Asymmetric Key Cryptography:
Prime numbers overview. Fermat’s and Euler’s theorems. Principles of public key
cryptosystems. RSA algorithm. Distribution of public keys. Diffie-Hellman key
exchange. (05)
Message Authentication:
Authentication requirements and functions. Message Authentication Code. Hash
functions. Hash and MAC algorithms: MD5, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) and HMAC.
Digital Signatures and Authentication:
Digital Signatures. Authentication protocols. Digital Signature Standard. Authentication
Applications: Kerberos. (04)
Email Security:
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) operation. S/MIME specifications and functionality. (04)
IP Security:
Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Payload, Security Associations, Key
Management. (04)
Web Security:
Secure Socket Layer. Transport Layer Security. Secure Electronic Transaction (04)
Intrusion Defence Mechanisms:
Intrusion Detection techniques. (03)
Malicious Software:
Viruses and related threats. Virus countermeasures. Distributed Denial of Service
Design Principles, Characteristics, Types of Firewalls, Firewall Configuration. Trusted
System. (04)
Recommended Books:
1. Stallings, Willam ; “Cryptography and Network Security-Principles and
Practices”, 4th edition. Pearson Education, PHI.
2. Kahate, Atul, “Cryptography and Network Security”, 2nd Edition, TMH
3. Tanenbaum, A.S. ; “Computer Networks”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education
4. Forouzan, B.A. ; “Cryptography and Network Security”, McGraw-Hill.
4 0 3
The NCBI Data Model:
Introduction, PUBs: Publication of perish, SEQ-Ids: What’s in a Name? BIOSEQs:
Sequences, BIOSEQ-SETs: Collection of Sequences, SEQ-ANNOT: Annotating the
sequence, SEQ-DESCR: Describing the sequence, using the Model.
The GenBank Sequence Database:
Introduction, primary and secondary Databases, Format Vs Content: Computers Vs
Humans, The Database, The Genbank Flatfile: A Dissection.
Submitting DNA Sequences to the Databases:
Introduction: Why, Where and What to submit?, DNA/RNA, Population, phylogenetic
and Mutation Studies, Protein- only submissions, How to submit on the World Wide
Web, how to submit with Sequin updates, Consequences of the data
model,EST/STS/GSS/HTG/SNP and Genome Centers. (09)
Structure Databases:
Introduction to Structures, PDB: Protein data bank at the research collaboratory for
structural file formats, Visualizing structural information, Database structure viewers,
advanced structure modeling, Structures similarity searching.
Genomic Mapping and Mapping Databases:
Interplay of mapping and sequencing Genomic map elements, Types of maps
complexities and pitfalls of mapping, Data repositories, and mapping projects and
associated resources, Practical uses of mapping resource. (05)
Sequence Alignment and Database Searching:
Introduction, The evolutionary basis of sequence alignment, The modular nature of
proteins, optimal alignment methods, Substitution scores and gap penalties Statistical
significance of alignments, Database similarity searching, FASTA, BLAST, Database
searching artifacts, Position –Specific scoring matrices, Spliced alignments.
Predictive Methods using DNA Sequences:
Methods Work? Strategies and considerations.
Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs):
What is EST? EST Clustering, TIGR Gene Indices, STACK, ESTs and Gene Discovery,
The human Gene Map, Gene prediction in Genomic DNA, ESTs and Sequence
Polymorphisms, Assessing levels of Gene expression using ESTs.
Practice Task:
(using PEARL)
1. Finding the length of a Sequence File
2. Pattern matching
3. Extracting Patterns
Recommended Books:
1. R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A.Krogh and Mitchison, “Biological Sequence Analysis:
Probabilistic models of proteins and nuclei acids”
2. David W. Mount, “Bioinformatics: Sequence & Genome Analysis.”
4 0 3
Introduction to VLSI:
Introduction to solid state electronics, CMOS Logic, VLSI Design Flow.
MOS FET theory: Ideal V-I Characteristics, C-V Characteristics, Non-ideal I-V
CMOS processing technology: P-well, N-well, Twin Tub and silicon on Insulator
processing, layout Design rules, CMOS Process enhancement. (10)
CMOS Circuit and Logic design:
Combinational Circuit Design: Introduction, circuit Families like static CMOS, Ratioed
circuits, CVSL, Dynamic Circuits, Pass Transistor circuit,.
Sequential Circuit design: Sequencing methods, Max-Delay constraints, Min-delay
constraints, time borrowing, and clock skew.
Data Path Subsystems: Adders, Sub tractors, Comparators, flip-flops, Shifter, counters,
Multiplier (12)
Design Methodology & Tools:
Design Methodology: Introduction, structured Design, Programmable logic, fully Custom
design, CAD tools in VLSI Design Process.
Floor Planning: Introduction, Block Placement and Channel Definitions, Global Routing,
Switchbox routing, Power Distribution, clock Distribution.
Architecture Design: Introduction, HDLs, High level synthesis, Logic Synthesis. (11)
VLSI Simulation and Algorithm:
Hierarchy of simulation tools, Switch level simulations, Layout synthesis, Placements
and routing algorithms, spice simulation. (12)
Practice Task:
Design & Simulation of combinational and sequential circuits using
1. Front End VLSI tools like Xilinx ISE, ISE simulator or Modelsim simulator.
2. Back End VLSI Tools like Microwind, Mentor Graphics, Synopsis, Cadence.
Recommended Books:
1. CMOS Vlsi design by Neil H.E. Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee
(Pearson Education)
2. Modern VLSI Design by Wayne Wolf (Pearson education)
3. FPGA-Based system design by Wayne Wolf (Pearson Education)
4. Introduction to VLSI Systems by Mead and Conway (Addison wisely)
5. VLSI Desiogn by Puckneel.
4 0 0
Fundamentals of Neural Networks:
Introduction, Biological Neurons and Memory, Structure & Function of a single Neuron,
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Typical Application of ANN - Classification,
Clustering, Pattern Recognition, Function Approximation. Basic approach of the working
of ANN – Training, Learning and Generalization. (10)
Supervised Learning:
Single-layer Networks, Linear Separability, handling linearly non-separable sets.
Training algorithm. Error correction & gradient decent rules. Multi-layer network-
Architecture, Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) – Various parameters and their
selection, Applications, Feed-forward Network, Radial- Basis Function (RBF) network &
its learning strategies. (15)
Unsupervised Learning:
Winner-takes all Networks, Hamming Networks. Adaptive Resonance Theory,
Kohonen’s Self-organizing Maps. (09)
Neurodynamical models:
Stability of Equilibrium states, Hopfield Network, Brain-state-in-a-Box network,
Bidirectional associative memories. (06)
Fuzzy Logic:
Basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Vs. Crisp set Linguistic variables, membership
functions, operations of fuzzy sets, Crisp relations, Fuzzy relations, Approximate
reasoning, fuzzy IF-THEN rules, variable inference, techniques, defuzzification
techniques, Fuzzy rule based systems. Applications of fuzzy logic.
Practice Task: (To be covered under theory class)
1. Design and train NN for AND or gate using perceptron
2. Design and train perceptron to classify odd and even numbers
3. Design and train NN for alphabet recognition using back propagation
4. Design and train Hopfield network for recognizing patterns such as ‘+’ and ‘–‘
5. Design and train NN for EXOR classification using back propagation
Recommended Books:
1. Satish Kumar – Neural Network : A classroom approach
2. Jacek M.Zurada- Artificial Neural Networks
3. Simon Haykin- Artifical Neural Network
4. Rajasekaran & Pai – Neural networks, Fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
5. Hagan, Demuth & Beale – Neural Network Design.
6. T. J. Ross – Fuzzy logic with engineering applications.
4 0 0
Review of boundary conditions: Wave-guides and Cavity resonates (rectangular,
circular & cylindrical) passive Circuits (design principles), impedance transformers,
filters, hybrids, isolates. Detail discussion on S-matrix. (10)
High frequency semi-conductor devices: Intel valley Scattering, Gunn diodes,
IMPATT diodes, Step recovery diodes. Lumped elements: Equivalence circuits of
Capacitors and Inductors, Design of lumped element resonators and circuits, Basic blocks
in RF system and their VLSI implementation, Design of mixer, Basic topologies VCO
and phase noise, Various RF Synthesizer architecture and frequency dividers, Design
issues in integrated RF filters. Thin & Thick film technologies. (13)
Design aspects: Transmission lines fir microwave circuits, Strip lines, Micro-strip lines,
Slot line & Coupled lines. Characteristics impedance, Lumped parameters etc. Design
considerations and implementation using simulation tools, Design of power dividers,
combiners, and directional couplers (08)
Microwave measurements: SWR, Return loss, impedance, Scattering parameters,
attenuation and familiarization with equipments such as vector network analyzer,
Spectrum analyzer, power meters and their block diagrams discussion. Fabrication
techniques in microwave. (10)
Computational techniques for microwave: moment method & Finite difference time
Domain method. Comparison of Simulation Software for microwave applications.
Computer aided design. (10)
Recommended Books:
1. B.Bhat & S.koul , Stripline- Loke Transmission lines for MICS, John Wiley
2. T.K. Ishii, Hand book of Microwave Technology, Vol.1, Academics Press.
3. Y.Konishi, Microwave integrated Circuit, Marcel Dekker
4. S.Y.Liao, Microwave Circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design, PHI
5. B.Razavi, RF Micro-Elements,PH.
4 0 0
State and events, abstraction, Modelling approaches, Graphical Analogue, Scaled, Model
characteristics. (08)
System Simulation:
Technique of simulation, montecarlo method, Comparison and simulation with analytical
method, numerical computation techniques.
Probability Concepts in Simulation:
Stochastic variables, Discrete and continuous probability functions, Numerical
evaluation, Random number generators, discrete distribution generation.
Arrival pattern and Service Times:
Arrival patterns: poisson, Exponential distribution, Coefficient of variations, Service
times, Queuing, Solution of queuing, Solution of Queuing problems.
Discrete System Simulation:
Discrete events, Representation of time, Arrival patterns, Gathering statistics, Measuring
utilization and occupancy.
Analysis of Simulation Output:
Nature of the problems, Estimation methods, Simulation run statistics, Time series
analysis, Discrete and continuous random variables, Probability mass function,
Distribution functions, Reliability, Discrete and continuous Markov Chains.
Statistical Interference:
Regression, correlation and analysis of variance. Simulation kernels, Strong predicted
events, Event cancellation.
Practice Task (To be covered under Theory)
Simulation using package software such as IE3D, FDTD, VHDL, SDL, EDL &other
Communication Software.
Recommended Books:
1. Geoffrey Gordon System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India
2. Kishor S. Trivedi, Probability and statistics with Reliability, Queuing and
computer Science Applications, Prentice Hall of India(EEE)
3. Narsing Deo, System Simulation with Digital Computer, Prentice Hall of
4. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II, Barry L. Nelson, Discrete Event System
Simulation, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Ed.
4 0 0
Materials for Nano-Electronics:
Crystal lattices, Bonding in Crystals, Electron energy bands, Semiconductor: Si, Si-Ge,
Hetrostructures. Strained Si, III-V Semiconductors, Carbon- Nano- tube, Silicon
nanowires. (08)
Properties of Individual Nanoparticles:
Introduction to semi conducting Nanoparticles, introduction to quantum Dots, wells,
wires, preparation of quantum nanostructures, Introduction to carbon nano tubes,
Fabrication , Structure, Electrical properties, vibrational properties, Mechanical
properties. (08)
Bio-logical Materials:
Biological building blocks-polypeptide, nucleic acids- DNA, Biological nanostructure,
Biological methods for Nano scale fabrication. (08)
TEM, Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, Photoemission and X-RAY spectroscopy,
Electron microscopy, SPMs, AFMs, Electrostatic force microscopy, Magnetic force
microscopy. (06)
Nano-scale Devices
Introduction, Nanoscale MOSFET-Planer and non-planer, Resonant-tunneling diodes,
Single electron transistor, Quantum-dot Nano-electromechanical systems, Molecular/Bio
molecular electron devices. (15)
Recommended Books:
1. C.P.Polle and F.J.Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, John Wiley & Sons,
2. M.A.Rather & D.Rather, “Nano-technology: a gentle introduction to the next big
idea”, Prentice Hall, 2003.
3. “Nanometer Structures: Theory, Modeling and Simulation”, Editor: Akhlesh
Lakhtakia, ASME Press, 2004.
4. S.E.Lyshevski, “Nano and Micro-electromechanical systems fundamentals of
nano and micro- engineering”, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2004.
5. K.E. Drexler, Nano-Systems, Wiley (1922)
6. Waser Ranier, Nano-Electronics & Information Technology, Wiley (2003)
4 0 0
Achieving Excellence through TQM; Concept & definition of quality, Total Quality and
TQM, Role and importance of TQM in Indian business industry,TQM Thinkers and their
Contributions,TQM Vs management, Cost of Quality, Cost of Poor Quality, Applications
of TQM in Service and ,manufacturing Sectors in India. (11)
Problem solving and QC tools;Statistical Process Control, SQC Vs SPC, Control Charts,
Process capability, Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA), Taguchi Methods, Design of
experiments (DOE), Just in Time (JIT), Waste Elimination, Fault tree analysis. (11)
Total employees involvement, Kaizen, Quality Circles, Team Work for Quality,
Customer’s Satisfaction, Menchmarking. (06)
Leadership and Communication for Quality, Creating Quality Culture, Quality Planning
Process, Housekeeping for Quality. (05)
Inspection Vs Prevention, Total Productive and Preventive Maintenance, RFT, QFD,
Daily Process. Management, PDCA Cycle, BPR, Quality of Product Design and Service
Quality; Product reliorty, Validation and Verification. (10)
Acceptance Sampling, Six Sigma, Value Engineering, Lean Manufacturing, SMED, ISO
9000 and ISO 14000, Implementing TQM, Quality Audit, Quality Awards, Quality
Information System, Quality of People, Quality in Marketing, Future of TQM in India.
Recommended Books:
1. Total Quality Management, D.D. Sharma, Sultan Chand & Son, New Delhi,
2. Quality Control Handbook, Joseph M. Juran, 1988
3. Total Quality Control, Armadv Feigen baum, 1991
4. Total Quality Control, Sarv Singh Soni
5. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, Amitava Mitra, Pearson
Education, 2001.
6. Total Quality Management D.H Besterfield, Pearson Education, 2003
7. Total Quality Mangement, Poornima M. Charantimath, Pearson Education,
8. The Six Sigma Way, Peter S.Pande et. al, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
9. Design for six Sigma in Technology and Product Development, CM
Crevaling, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2003
10. Quality Planning & Analysis, JM Juran and FM Gryna, McGraw Hill,1980
11. Juran on Leadership for Quality and Executive Handbook, The Freepress,
New York, 1989
12. Kaizen-he Key to Japan’s Competitive Success, I Mai M., 1986
13. Out of Crisis, W.E. Deming, 1986
14. Quality is Free, P.B.Crosby, McGraw Hill, 1984
15. Creating Culture Change, P.E.Atkinson, 1990
16. Just-in-Time,, Hutchings, 1988
17. Statistical Process Control, J.S.Oakland,1986
18. Introduction to Quality Engineering, G.Taguchi,1986
19. System of Experimental Design, G. Taguchi,1987
20. Guide to Quality Control, K. Ishikawa,1982.
4 0 0
Introduction to Human Resource Development
Evolution Pre-industrial and Information age.
Mission and Purpose, Components of HRD, HRD problems and issues related to Indian
Industry and technical education, HRD in the context of new industrial policy.
Stages of HRD
Initial or Induction Training for job-related /professional development Training for
horizontal and vertically mobility of employees.
Training & Training Strategies
Training: Concepts, Assumptions- prevailing and alternative, phase in training,
modalities of training, drawbacks in existing systems of training benefits of training, Six
goals content and process orientation.
Training Methods
Off-the –job Training Methods-Coaching, Counseling, mentoring, reflective practices,
subjects groups, observing classes of seniors/experts etc.
Characteristics, merits and demerits of training methods
Developing Group and Climate
Social process: Three facets, Indicators of group development, the training Climate:
personal and interpersonal dimensions
Evaluation of Training
Concept, purposes, types and issues in evaluation
Steps in designing evaluation of training. (07)
Systematic approach to Design of Training Programme:
Concept of system, benefits of systematic approach to design of training programme,
steps in systematic approach – need analysis, task analysis, entry behavior analysis,
resource and constraints analysis, analysis of goals and objectives, Synthesis of criterion
tests, Synthesis of contents, Synthesis of training methods and media, implementation of
training methods and media, implementation of training, assessment of trainees’
performance, evaluation of training, improvement in training. (09)
Recommended Books:
1. Arya,PP and Tandon, BB, Human Resource Development, new Delhi Deep and
Deep publications,2000
2. Awasthappa, K,Human Resource and personnel Management ,New Delhi: Tata
Mc.Graw Hill Pub.Co.Ltd.,2005
3. Lynton,RP and pareek, Udai, Training for organizational Transformation, New
Delhi:Sage publications,2000.(PartIandII)
4. Mager,RF and Pipe Peter ‘HRD Training and Development ‘(Vol.-6) Mumbai:
5. Wilson Bob(1997). The systematic Design of Training Courses. Vol I,Parthenon
Publishing.Rao,TV,HRD Audit, New Delhi: Sage publications,2005.
6. Sims, RR,Reinventing Training and Development USA:Quorum Books, 1998.
3 2 -
Introduction to Educational Research
Concept, types – basic, applied and action, Need for educational research
Reviewing Literature
Need, Sources – Primary and Secondary, Purposes of Review, Scope of Review, steps in
conducting review. (6)
Identifying and Defining Research Problem
Locating, analyzing stating and evaluating problem. Generating different types of
hypotheses and evaluating them. (8)
Methods of Research
Descriptive research design - survey, case study, content analysis, Ex-post Facto
Research, Correlational and Experimental Research (20)
Sampling Techniques
Concept of population and sample’ sampling techniques - simple random sampling,
stratified random sampling, systematic sampling and cluster sampling, snow ball
sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling techniques. Determining size of sample.
Design and Development of Measuring Instruments, Tests, questionnaires, checklists,
observation schedules, evaluating research instruments, selecting a standardized test.
Procedure Of Data Collection
Aspects of data collection, coding data for analysis (6)
Statistical Methods of Analysis
Descriptive statistics: Meaning, graphical representations, mean, range and standard
deviation, characteristics and uses of normal curve.
Inferential statistics: t-test, Chi-square tests, correlation (rank difference and product
moment), ANOVA (one way), Selecting appropriate methods. (14)
Procedure for Writing a Research Proposal
Purpose, types and components of research proposal. (4)
Procedure for Writing a Research Report
Audiences and types of research reports, Format of research report and journal articles.
Strategies for Evaluating, Research disseminating and utilizing research – An
Practice Tasks
• Define a research problem in polytechnic education/industry after studying problem
situation and literature
• Given the purpose, objectives of research, write hypotheses
• Select research designs for the given research objectives
• Identify the measuring instruments for the given research objectives/hypotheses
• Identify the appropriate statistical methods of analysis for the given research
• Critically analyse the given research reports on various aspects such as hypothesis,
design, measuring tools, statistical analysis, interpretation etc. to identify the gaps or
weaknesses in the study.
Recommended Books:
1. Borg, W and Gall, M. Educational Research: An Introduction, New York,
2. Cohen, L. Educational Research in Classrooms and Schools ! A Manual of Materials
and Methods NY: Harper and Row Publishers.2000
3. CPSC: Developing Skills in Technician Education Research Modules 1 to 11
Singapore, Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education
4. Garrett, HE and Woodworth, RS. Statistics in Psychology and Education, Educational
Research, Bombay: Vakils Fetter and Simons Ltd. 2003
5. Gay, LR, Educational Research, Ohio: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company2000.
6. Wiersma William Research Methods in Education – An Introduction London, Allyn
and Bacon, Inc.2000
3 2 -
Nature and Scope of Entrepreneurship - Need and Philosophy of entrepreneurship
Characteristics of an entrepreneur; Entrepreneur vs. Self-employment; Intrapreneuring;
Role of entrepreneurship in Indian economy, Entrepreneurship and innovation; Indian
values and entrepreneurship. (10)
Entrepreneurial Support System -Three Tiers of Entrepreneurial Support System;
Assistance from National level Organizations like SIDO, NSIC, SIDBI, IFCI, IDBI,
ICICI, NRDC etc. Assistance from State level organizations like DOI, DIC, SSIE, SISI,
SFCs, Commercial Banks etc; Special schemes for technical entrepreneurs and women.
Incubation Centers, Awareness camps. (10)
Product Identification – Identification of Opportunities, Consideration for product
selection; Exposure to demand based, resource based, service based, import substitute,
export promotion, trading and consultancy ventures. (10)
Entrepreneurial Motivation Training - Programme clarity – sharing expectations and
unfreezing and refreezing; Data collection about self `who am I’ write up. Introduction to
need system and motivational pattern of entrepreneur (conceptualizing entrepreneurial
skills and behavior).
Risk taking behavior, hope of success, fear of failure, learning from feedback (Ring Toss
Through entrepreneurial camps &Incubation centers.
Analyzing motive strengths, locating achievements imageries, intensity of motive
(Analyzing TAT stories, group and individual level). Personal efficacy, defining,
individual life goal, its linkages to entrepreneurship, locus and control, conceptualizing
entrepreneurial values.
Planning and goal setting, help and resource use, creativity and divergent thinking,
confidence building learning from feedback (Business Games and Exercises).
Achievement Planning (APO) Games
Tolerance to ambiguities and Commitment to entrepreneurial goal (Interaction with
successful entrepreneurs).
Leadership and Influencing abilities, guidance and help (Block Building Exercises, role
playing exercises).
Entrepreneurial goal setting, sharing entrepreneurial goal, devising clarity in terms of
enterprise building. (15)
Project Formulation Process – Preparing list of relevant projects; Process of selecting a
project and zeroing on different projects for potential entrepreneurs. Steps in planning a
small scale industry. Techno-economic feasibility analysis of projects.
Structure of a project report.
Analysis of sample project report. Preparation of final project report.
Product design and development. (15)
Rules and Regulations – Licensing and registration procedures; Appreciation of
important provisions of Factory Act, Shop and Commercial Establishment Act,
Negotiable Instrument Act, Sales of Goods Act, Partnership Act, and other Commercial
and Labor Laws. Planning Income tax, Sales tax and Excise rules, Municipal bye-laws
and Insurance coverage. (15)
Planning of Small and Medium Enterprises
Production Management – Production Planning and Scheduling; Materials Management;
Inventory management; Technology selection, transfer and management.
Accounting and Financial Management – Working capital management; Principles of
Book keeping Books of accounts, Financial statements, Funds flow analysis, sources and
uses of funds.
Marketing Perspectives – Relevance of Marketing for entrepreneurship; Product
planning; Pricing decision; Place policies; Advertising and sales policies; Market survey
and Demand estimation for selected projects.
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations – Procurement, Development,
Compensation, Integration, Maintenance functions; Leadership, Communication and
Motivation skills. (15)
Practice Task:
Visit to small and medium enterprises and interacting with entrepreneurs.
Visit to support agencies and gathering relevant entrepreneurial information.
Gathering information about viable projects identified by support agencies.
Preparation of preliminary project report.
Preparation of detailed project report.
Calculation of important financial ratios so as to ascertain techno-economic
feasibility of the proposed venture.
To prepare and deliver class seminars on industrial and commercial legislation.
Recommended Books:
1. Gupta, CB and Srinivasan, NP; Entrepreneurial Development, New Delhi, Sultan
Chand & Sons.
2. Pareek, Udai and Rao T.V. :Developing Motivation through Experiencing, New
Oxford and IBH Publishing Cop. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Rathore, BS and Dhameja SK: Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century, Rawat
Publications, Jaipur.
4. Rathore, BS and Saini JS: A Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Aapga Publications,
5. Saini, JS and Dhameja SK: Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Rawat
Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi.
6. Sharma DD, Dhameja, SK and Gurjar BR: Entrepreneurship, Strategic
Management and Globalisation, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
7. Sharma DD and Saini, JS : Enterprise Edge, Rawat Publications, Jaipur. Sharma
DD and others: Training Modules on Entrepreneurship Development
3 2 -
Business Strategy for new Technologies: adding value, gaining competitive advantage,
timing and capability development. (10)
Technology Forecasting: Techniques of Forecasting, Technology Forecasting-
Relevance, Strategic alliance and Practicality, and Technology transfer. (10)
Technology Forecasting: Techniques of Forecasting, Technology Forecasting-
Relevance, Strategic alliance and Practicality, and Technology transfer. (10)
Management of research, development and innovation:
Technology mapping of type of R&D projects and development approaches-radical
platform and incremental projects, innovations. (10)
Management of Intellectual property Rights:
Strategic value of patents, trade secrets and licensing. (10)
Management scientist and technologist: Identification, recruitment, retention, Team
work and result orientation, investment in technology. (10)
Management roles and skills for new technology (10)
Technology for Managerial Productivity and effectiveness, Just in Time. (10)
Venture Capital and Technology Development. (10)
Recommended Books:
1. Technology and Management: by Cassell Educational Ltd., London
2. Management of High Technology Research and Development: by John
Humbleton Elsevier
3. Strategic Management: by Charles W.L. Hill/Gareth R. Jones, Houghton
Mifflin Co.
4. R&D Management: by S.A. Bergn, Basil Blackwell Inc.
5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Organisations : by Richard M Burton &
Borge Obel Elsevier
6. The Handbook of Forecasting-A Management Guide : by Spyros Maksidakis
& Steven C Wheelwright, John Wiley & Sons.
7. New Product Management: by C marle Crawford IRWIN, USA
8. Just-in-time: by David Hutchin, Gower Technical Press.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Review of Z-Transform, Solution of Linear Difference Equations, Fourier series and
Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform, Radix-2 FFT.
Introduction to Radix-4 and Split Radix FFT, Discrete Cosine Transform, DCT as
Orthogonal Transform, Walsh Transform, Hadamard Transform, Wavelet Transform.
Digital Filters:
FIR Filter Design: Filter Specifications, Coefficient Calculation Methods- Window
method, Optimal method, Frequency Sampling method. Realization Structures, Finite
Word Length Effects.
IIR Filter Design: Specifications, Coefficient Calculation methods- Pole-Zero Placement
method, Impulse Invariant method, Matched Z-Transform method, Bilinear ZTransformation
method, Use of BZT and Classical Analog Filters to design IIR Filters.
Realization Structures, Finite Word Length Effects. (8)
Multirate Digital Signal Processing:
Sampling Rate Alteration Devices, Multirate Structures for sampling rate conversion,
Multistage design of Decimator and Interpolator, The Polyphase Decomposition,
Arbitrary Rate Sampling Rate Converter, Filter Banks, QMF banks, Multilevel Filter
Banks, Sub-band Coding, Discrete Wavelet Transform. (7)
Linear Prediction and Optimum Linear Filters:
Forward and Backward Linear Prediction, Properties of Linear Prediction-Error Filters,
AR Lattice and ARMA Lattice-Ladder Filters, Wiener Filters for Filtering and
Adaptive Digital Filters:
Concepts of Adaptive Filtering, LMS Adaptive Algorithm, Recursive Least Squares
Algorithm, Applications. (5)
Power Spectrum Estimation:
Nonparametric methods for Power Spectrum Estimation, Bartlett method, Welch method,
Blackman and Tukey method, Parametric methods for Power Spectrum Estimation, Yule-
Walker method, Burg method, Unconstrained Least-Squares method, Sequential
Estimation methods, Selection of AR Model Order, MA model for Power Spectrum
Estimation, ARMA model for Power Spectrum Estimation. (7)
DSP Chips:
Introduction to fixed point and floating point processors, ADSP21xx and TMS320Cxx-
Architecture, Memory, Addressing Modes, Interrupts, Applications. Comparison of
ADSP21xx and TMS320Cxx series. (6)
Practice Task:
(Implement the following programs in MATLAB)
1. Convolution of Causal and Non Causal Sequences.
2. Circular Convolution.
3. DFT and FFT of Discrete time sequences.
4. Design of FIR Filters.
5. Design of IIR Filters.
6. Simulation of Digital Filters.
7. Analysis of Finite Word Length Effects using different Filter Structures.
8. Decimation and Interpolation of Discrete time sequences.
9. Implementation of an Arbitrary rate Sampling Rate Converter.
10. Illustrate Adaptive Filtering using LMS Algorithm.
11. Illustrate Adaptive Filtering using RLS Algorithm.
12. Enhancement of Narrowband signals buried in Noise using Adaptive Filters.
13. Illustrate Power Spectrum Estimation and Analysis using Welch method.
14. Illustrate Power Spectrum Estimation and Analysis using Burg method.
15. Illustrate Power Spectrum Estimation and Analysis using Yule-Walker method.
16. System Design based on ADSP 21XX DSP chip.
Recommended Books:
1. “Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach”, by Ifeacher & Jervis, -
Pearson Education.
2. “Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, by
Proakis & Manolakis, 4e, -Pearson Education
3. “Digital Signal Processing”, by S.K.Mitra, -Tata-Mcgraw Hill.
4. “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, Oppenheim & Schafer. PHI.
5. “Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing using MATLAB”, by Robert J.
Schilling & Sndra L. Harris. -CENGAGE Learning.
6. “Modern Digital Signal Processing”, Roberto Cristi.
7. “Modern Filter Theory”, by Johnson & Johnson
8. “Theory and application of Digital Signal Processing”, by Rabiner & Gold
9. “Digital Signal Processing”, Schuam’s Series.
10. “Digital Signal Processing”, by Salivahanan, Vallavaraj & Gnanapriya, -
Tata-Mcgraw Hill.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Review of Optical Fiber Communication:
Need of optical transmission, Fiber optic communication system, Advantage of OFC,
Basic optical laws and transmission parameters, Geometrical optics description: Step
Index Fiber & Graded Index Fiber, Mode Theory for optical propagation, Modes in
planar wave, Phase & Group Velocity. (05)
Signal Degradation in OFS:
Attenuation, Material Absorption, Scattering Loss, Bending Loss, Information Capacity
Determination, Group Delay, Material Dispersion, Waveguide Dispersion, Higher order
Dispersion, Polarization Mode Dispersion. (06)
Optical Transmitter:
Basic Concept: Emission and absorption Rates, p-n junctions, Non-radiative
recombination, semiconductor materials, LED: Power current relationship, LED
spectrum, LASER Diodes, ILD & its characteristics, Optical Gain, Feedback and Laser
threshold. (06)
Optical Receivers:
Optical detection principles & devices, Detection response time, p-i-n photo-diode,
Avalanche photodiode, Receiver operation: Digital Transmission, Error sources, Receiver
configuration, Digital receiver performance, Probability of error, the quantum limit.
Digital and Analog Transmission System:
Point to point links: System consideration, Link power budget, Rise time budget, First
generation distance, Transmission distance for single mode fiber.
Line coding: NRZ codes, RZ codes, error correction, noise effects on system
Overview of Analog links, carrier to noise ratio. (07)
Optical Amplifier:
Basic application and types of optical amplifiers, Semiconductor optical amplifiers,
Erbium doped fiber amplifiers: architecture and types, Amplifier-noise, Raman
Amplifier, wavelength converters. (07)
Optical Networks:
Basic Networks, SONET/SDH networks, Operational principle of WDM networks, Non
linear effects on network performance, Performance of WDM+EDFA system, Solitons,
Optical CDMA & TDMA, Optical Switches/Cross Connect, Add/Drop Mux. (07)
Practice Task:
Practical tasks related to theory.
Recommended Books:
1. Fiber-optic communication system, Govind P. Agrawal 3rd Edition, Wiley
2. Optical Fiber Communications by Gerd keiser, 3rd edition, Mc. Graw Hill.
3. Fiber optic communication, Jospeh c. Palais, 4th Edition, Pearson Education.
4. Optical Networks, Black, Pearson education.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Elements of a Digital communication system, communication channels and their
characteristics, mathematical models for communication channels, recent trends in digital
communication, Deterministic and Random Signal Analysis, Band pass and Low pass
Signal Representation, Signal space representation of waveforms. 5
Digital modulation Schemes
Representations of digitally modulated signals, memory less modulation methods,
PAM,PM,QAM, multidimensional signaling, Signaling scheme with memory,
CPFSK,CPM, Power spectrum of Digitally modulated signals, PSD of a digitally
modulated signals with memory, PSD of linearly modulated signals. 10
Optimum Receivers for Additive White Gaussian Noise Channels
Waveforms and vector channel models, waveforms and Vector AWGN channels,
Optimum detection for the Vector AWGN channel, Implementation of the optimal
receiver for AWGN channels, the correlation receiver, matched filter receiver, frequency
domain interpretation of the matched filter. Performance analysis for wire line and radio
communication system. 10
Carrier and symbol synchronization
Signal parameter estimation, the likelihood function, carrier recovery and symbol
synchronization in signal demodulation, carrier phase estimation, maximum likelihood
carrier phase estimation, phase locked loop, effect of noise on the phase estimation,
symbol timing estimation, maximum likelihood timing estimation , non –decision
directed timing estimation. 8
Multichannel and Multicarrier System
Multichannel Digital Communication in AWGN channels, binary signals, M-ary
orthogonal signals,Multicarrier communication, single-carrier versus multicarrier
modulation, Capacity of a Nonideal linera filter channel, orthogonal frequency division
multiplexing (OFDM), modulation and demodulation in an OFDM system, Spectral
characteristics of multicarrier signals, Bit and Power allocation in multicarrier
modulation. 8
Spread Spectrum Signals for Digital Communication
Model of spread spectrum digital communication system, direct sequence spread
spectrum signals, frequency hopped spread spectrum signals, CDMA system based on
FHSS signals, Synchronization of spread spectrum systems. 4
Practical Task:
1. Digital Modulation techniques using MATLAB
2. Study of Spread spectrum signals
3. Simulation of digital communication system
1. Digital Communications by JG Proakis & M Salehi, 5th Edition McGraw Hill
2. Principle of Communication systems –Taub & Schilling,Tata Mc Graw Hill
3.Digital Communication –Simon Haykins , John Wiley & Sons.
4. Digital Communications: Fundamentals and applications-Bernard Sklar, Prentice Hall
4 0 0
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Series solution of differential equations, Power series methods, Legendre’s polynomial,
Generating functions, Recurrence relations. (08)
Frobenius method, Series solution of Bessel’s differential equation, Modified Bessel’s
functions, Generating functions, Recurrence relations. (08)
Equations reducible to Bessel’s equation. (04)
Sturm Liouville’s problem, orthogonal functions, Orthogonality of eigen functions, Eigen
function expansions. (06)
Conformal mapping, Exponential function ,Trigonometric functions, Hyperbolic
functions, Inverse trigonometric functions, Logarithmic function, Power function,
Bilinear and Schwarz-Christoffel transformation, Applications to engineering problems.
Matrices, Functions of square matrices, Quadratic and Hermitian forms, Solution of
linear simultaneous equations by Gaussian elimination and its modifications, Crout’s
triangularization method, Iterative method’s-Jacobi’s method, Gauss-Seidel method,
Eigevalue by iteration. (10)
System simulation, Technique of simulation, Monte Carlo method, Comparison and
simulation with analytical method, Numerical computation techniques. (8)
Recommended Books:
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wylie and Barren, Mcgrawhill,6th
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics, B.S. Grewal, Khanna Publications
3. Narsingh Deo, System Simulation with Digital Computer, Prentice Hall of India
4. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Kreyszig, John Wiley and Sons,8th
5. Geoffrey Gordon System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India
6. Engineering Mathematics, Bali &lyingar, Laxmi Publication.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Introduction to Digital Design Concepts:
Design Constraints and Logic Representation of System. (02)
Analog interfacing:
A/D conversion concepts, Analog & Digital Conversion related errors.
Combinational Logic Design and Implementation:
Multiplexer/Decoder, PLA/Pal/GAL,ROM,CPLD and FPGA level customized design,
ALU, VHDL models and simulations of combinational circuits. (18)
Sequential Logic Design and Implementation:
Practical Synchronous and asynchronous circuit design. Design and Implementation of
sequential digital system, state representation, analysis of digital systems,
synchronization, design criteria, design procedure. High level modeling of digital
systems, controller realization, Timing & Frequency consideration, system examples.
VHDL models and simulation of sequential circuits (18)
Design for Testability:
Fault and Fault coverage in digital circuits, internal scan test methodology, BIST and
Boundary scan (JTAG) techniques.
Practice Task:
Practical tasks related to theory.
Recommended Books:
1. Combinational design & testing using PLA/PAL/ROM chips.
2. Combinational design, simulation, synthesis & implementation.
3. An Engineering Approach to Digital Design –W.J.Fletcher
4. Digital Design –M. Morris Mano
5. Digital Design principles and practices by J.F.Wakerly
6. Digital Systems-Principles and applications-Ronald Tocci.
7. Principles of Digital Design –Daniel D.Gajaski, Prentice Hall.
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Part A
Introduction to Embedded System:
Their classification & characteristics, Concepts and Processes of system level design of
embedded system. (04)
Introduction to microcontrollers, Memory , Buses, Direct Memory Access , Interrupts,
Microprocessor Architecture, Interrupt Basic, Shared Data Problems, Interrupt Latency, PIC
16F8XX Flash Microcontrollers, CPU architecture, Register file structure, Instruction Set,
Programs, Timers and Interrupts, Interrupt Service Routine , Features of Interrupts, Interrupt
vector & Priority, Timing Generation & Measurements, Interfacing Methods, I/O Interface, LCD
interfacing, Seven segment interfacing, I2 C Bus, DAC, ADC, UART. (11)
Program Modeling Concepts in Single and multiprocessor system Software-
Development Process:
Modeling Processes for software Analysis before software implementation, Program
model for event controlled, Modeling of Multiprocessor Systems. (08)
Part B
Embedded Core Based Design:
System -on -Chip, Application specific Integrated circuit, Overview of Embedded
Processors like ARM, MIPS and Intel MMX series, Architecture, Organization and
instruction set, Memory management, High level logic synthesis. Data parallel issues e.g
SIMD, MIMD, MISD, SISD. Introduction to FPGA, Basics of FPGA (15)
Real Time programming and Operating System (RTOS)
RTOS Overview, Basics of RT- Linux as a RTOS, Assembly language, C++ (07)
Practice Task:
1. PIC Programming
2. FPGA Programming
3. PIC Microcontroller based projects
Recommended Books:
1. Microcontrollers ( Theory and Applications)- Ajay V. Deshmukh
2. An Embedded System Primer, by David E. Simon
3. Embedded system Design by Steve Heath
4. PIC Microcontroller by John B. Peatman
5. ARM system architecture by Steve Furber(Addison Wesley)
6. Programming Embedded System in C/C++ by M.Barr
7. Real Time Systems by H. Kopetz
8. Embedded Systems- Raj Kamal
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Fundamental concept of digital image processing, component of image processing
system, image acquisition. (04)
Basic Image Fundamentals:
Pixels, sampling, quantization, resolution, representation as a matrix, operation, camera
angles and perspective transformation. (05)
Image Enhancement:
Concept of Spatial Domain and Frequency domain enhancement, Basic Gray Level
Transformation, Histogram Processing, Enhancement using Arithmetic/logic Operations,
Subtraction, Averaging, Basics of Spatial Filtering.
Image Restoration
Model of the image Degradation/Restoration Process, Noise Models, Restoration in the
presence of Noise, point spread function Different point spread functions, Blurring, Deblurring
Algorithm. (07)
Color Image Processing:
Color Fundamentals, Color Models, Basics of Full-Color image processing, Color
Transformations. (06)
Image Compression:
Coding redundancy, Interpixel redundancy, Psychovisual redundancy, Huffman Coding,
Arithmetic coding, Lossy compression techniques, JPEG Compression. (06)
Image Segmentation & Representation:
Point, Line and Edge Detection, Thresholding, Edge and Boundary linking, Hough
transforms, Region Based Segmentation, Boundary representation, Boundary
Descriptors, Regional Descriptors (09)
Practice Task:
(Based on MATLAB)
1. Intensity transformation
2. Histogram Processing.
3. Spatial Filtering.
4. Frequency Domain Processing.
5. Image Restoration.
6. Image Denoising
7. Color Image Processing
8. Wavelet Transform
9. Image Compression
10. Morphological Image Processing
11. Point, Line and Edge Detection
12. Image Segmentation
13. Image Representation and Description
14. Object Recognition
Recommended Books:
1. Digital Image processing by R.C. Gonzalez and R.F.Woods (Pearson Education)
2. Algorithms for image Processing and Computer Vision by James R.Parker
3. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing by A.K Jain
4. The Image Processing Handbook, Fourth Edition by John C. Ruses
5. Digital Image Processing by W.K.Pratt
6. Digital Image Processing using MATLAB by Woods & Gonzalez (Pearson
4 0 3
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Mobile Communication:
Types of Mobile Communication Systems, Mobile radio systems around the world,
Trends in cellular radio and personal communications. (03)
Cellular Design Fundamentals:
Frequency reuse, Channel alignment strategies, handoff strategies, interference and
system capacity, improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems, mechanism for
capacity improvement-cell splitting, cell sectoring, and micro cell zone concept.
Multiple access schemes : TDMA, FDMA, CDMA, WCDMA, OFDMA, Random
Multiple access Scheme, Packet Radio Protocols, CSMA, Reservation Protocols,
Capacity of Cellular systems. (09)
GSM Architecture& Protocols, GSM Burst structure, Carrier and Burst
Synchronization, Design Consideration. Security Aspects, Power Control strategies.
CDMA Digital Cellular Standards, Services and Security Aspects, Network Reference
Model and Key Features, Advantages over TDMA, CDMA WLL System. Recent
developments. (05)
Multipath Propagation: Fading, Large scale path loss, reflection, Diffraction ,
Scattering, Outdoor Propagation model-Okumura Model, Hata Model,Indoor
Propagation Models. Small-scale multipath propagation, Types of small scale fading,
Rayleigh and Ricean distributions. Diversity Schemes. (11)
Introduction to 3G Wireless Networks:
WiFi, WiMax, Bluetooth (06)
Practice Task:-
1. Simulation and implementation of baseband digital signals
(i) Types of baseband signals: unipolar, polar, bipolar, RZ, NRZ, etc.
(ii) Distortion and noise. Eye diagram.
2. Simulation and implementation of modulated digital signals
(i) PSK, ASK and FSK modulations.
(ii) Demodulation with envelope detection and synchronous.
(iii) PSK differential modulation.
(iv) Quadrature modulations (QASK and QPSK).
(v) QAM modulation.
3. Global System for Mobiles (GSM)
(i) Cellular telephony. GSM Architecture.
(ii) Radiofrequency. Traffic and control channels. Frames.
(iii) AT Commands
(iv) Working of GSM mobile station.
4. Multiple Access
(i)Time division multiple Access
(ii) Frequency division multiple access
5. Spread Spectrum communication systems
(i) Pseudo-noise coders
(ii) Direct sequence spread spectrum communication systems
(iii) Frequency hopped spread spectrum communication systems
(iv) CDMA wireless computer communication systems
6. Channel Characteristics
(i) Multipath channel propagation characteristics
(ii) Bit-error rate measurement
7. Wireless Networks
(i)Bluetooth wireless network.
(ii) Wi-Fi
(iii) Wi-Max
8. Educational field visit to a Mobile Switching Center (MSC)
9. Study of Cellular Tower –offering public services.
Recommended Books:
1. Mobile and personal Communication Systems and services by Raj Pandya (PHI)
2. Wireless Communication by Rappart (PHI)
3. Mobile Communication by Lee (TMH)
4. Wirelesss & Mobile System by Dharam Prakash Aggarwal, Qing-
4 0 0
Max. Marks: 100
Credit Theory : 4
Credit Practical : 0
Computer Network. Network Hardware and Software, Network Topologies. LAN, MAN,
and WAN. The OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model. Addressing, Circuit
Switched, Datagram and Virtual Circuit Networks. Hubs, Bridges, switches, Routers and
Gateways. Transmission Media and Impairments. (04)
Data Link Layer:
Design Issues, Error Control, Flow-control protocols: Stop-and-wait, and Slidingwindow.
Link protocols: HDLC, SLIP, and PPP Protocols. (05)
Local/ Personal Area Networks:
IEEE LAN standards: Ethernet (802.3), Gigabit Ethernet, Wireless LAN (802.11),
Bluetooth, and Broadband Wireless (802.16). (05)
Wide Area Networks: X-25, Frame Relay, ATM. (04)
Network Layer:
Routing Algorithms: Shortest path routing, Flooding, Distance-vector routing, Link- state
routing, Hierarchical routing, Broadcast routing and Multicast routing.
Congestion control: Principles and policies congestion control in Virtual-circuit and
Datagram subnets. Load shedding and Jitter control.
Quality of Service: Techniques for achieving good Quality of Service. Integrated
Services. Differentiated Sevices. Label Switching and MPLS. (08)
Internetworking and Internet Protocols:
Tunneling, Fragmentation. The IPv4 Protocol, IPv4 addresses, IPv6 Protocol, Mobile IP,
OSPF, BGP, ARP, DHCP, Internet Control Protocols, Classless Inter-domain Routing
(CIDR), Network Address Translation (NAT), Subnetting and Supernetting. (08)
Transport Layer:
Transport layer protocol issues: Addressing, Connection Establishment, Connection
Release, Flow control and Multiplexing. Internet Transport Protocols: TCP and UDP.
Network Applications:
DNS, Electronic Mail, TELNET, FTP, SNMP, World-wide Web, Multi-media. (06)
Network Security:
Introduction to Network Security, Cryptography, Symmetric-key and Asymmetric Key
Algorithms. Digital Signatures. (05)
Recommended Books:
1. Computer Networks, 4th Ed, By A. S. Tanenbaum, Pearson Education.
2. Data and Computer Communications, 7th Ed, William Stallings, Pearson
3. Data Communications and Networks, 2nd Ed, Forouzan. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. COMER, D.E., Computer Networks and Internets. 2nd Ed., Delhi: Pearson
Education Asia, 1998.
5. KESHAV, S., An Engineering Approach to Computer Networking: ATM
Networks, the Internets, and the Telephone Network. Addison- Wesley
Professional Computing Series, AWL International Student Edition, 1997 Ed.
6. PAHLAVAN, K. and KRISHNA MURTHY, P., Principles of Wireless
Networks, 2002; Delhi: Pearson Education.
7. STALLINGS, W., High-Speed Networks and Internets: Performance and
Quality of service.2nd Ed., Delhi: Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
8. SHELDON, TOM Encyclopedia of Networking, TMH
9. STEVENS, R.W. TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol. 1: The Protocols, Addison-Wesley.
4 0 0
The TCP/IP reference model and protocol suite. IP address classes and Sub-netting.
Concepts of sockets and port numbers. Port number and association. TCP header.
UDP header, sockets. Connectionless and connection-oriented services. Socket creation.
Binding, connection establishment, Data transfer, closing sockets. I/O multiplexing,
Network library routines. Examples of client/server implantations. (16)
Interprocess Communication:
Remote procedure Call, Window Sockets, Named pipe, Mailslots, NetBIOS,and
IPX/SPX. (08)
Windows programming:
Architecture of Windows network operating system. Windows networking components.
Accessing networks resources. Accessing network resources from applications.
Multiple network providers. Windows server and domain controller. Access control and
network security. Inter-process communication in Windows. Networking within VDM
and Windows in Win32.
Win32 programming features. Error handling in Windows. Structured exception
handling. Threads. Inter-process and Intra-process synchronization. Overlapped I/P.
Memory-mapped File I/O and sharing memory. Control C handlers.
RPC programming. Windows Sockets programming. Named pipes in Windows.
Programming Mailslot.netBIOS programming.SPX/IPX Programming.
Web Programming:
HTML.XML, Scripting.
Practice Task: (To be covered under theory class)
1. Develop an SMTP client and a server.
2. Develop a POP client and a server
3. Develop a proxy server
Recommended Books:
1. SINHA, ALOK K.Network Programming in Windows NT, Addison-Wesley
2. STEVENS, R.W. TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol.1: The Protocols, Addison-Wesley
3. STVENS ,R.W.TCP/IP Illustrated, Vol.2
4. STEVENS,R.W. TCP/IP Ilustrated ,Vol.3
5. HTML in 24 Hours, SAMS.
6. Tanenbam, Computer Netwoks, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall
4 0 0
The Communication process and the nature of information. (02)
Information Sources, measurement of information and the Entropy Function:
Entropies defined, and why they are measures of information, marginal entropy, joint
entropy, Conditional entropy and the Chain Rule for Entropy. (06)
Sources with and without Memory:
Sources coding theorem, Prefix, Variable and Fixed- length Codes. Error Correcting
Codes. (06)
Channel Types, Properties, Noise and Channel Capacity:
Perfect communication through a noisy channel. The binary symmetric channel, their
classification and capacity of a noiseless discrete channel. The Hartley and Shannon laws
for channel capacity. (08)
Continuous Information; Density; Noisy Channel Coding Theorem:
Extensions of the discrete entropies and measures to the continuous case. Signal-to-noise
ratio; power spectral density, Gaussian channels, Relative significance of bandwidth and
noise limitations. The Shannon rate limit and efficiency for noisy continuous channels
Error Control Coding:
Linear blocks codes and their properties, hard-decision decoding, cyclic codes,
Convolution codes, Soft-decision decoding, Viterbi decoding algorithm. (08)
Advanced Coding Techniques and Cryptography:
BCH codes, Trellis coded modulation, introduction to cryptography, overview of
encryption techniques, symmetric cryptography, DES, IDEA, asymmetric algorithms,
RSA algorithm. (09)
Recommended Books:
1. Ranjan Bose, Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Richard B. Wells, Applied Coding and Information Theory for Engineers, Pearson
3. R.W.Hamming , Coding and Information Theory, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall
4. R.G.Gallager, Information Theory and Reliable Communication, Wiley
5. R.J. McEliece, The Theory of Information and Coding.Addison –Wesley
6. M.Mansuripur, Introduction to information Theory: Prentice Hall,1987
7. Taub & Schilling, Principles of communication, McGraw Hill
8. Thomas Cover & Joy Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley &
4 0 0
Fundamental Control Concepts, PLC System, CPU-Architecture, Programmers and
Monitors, PLC
Input and Output Modules-Analog and Digital, power Supply of PLCs, Internal Timers,
Counters, and Flags. Criteria for Selection of PLC, PLC vs. PC. Memory requirements.
Architecture, Potential benefits of SCADA.
Introduction to SCDA software (RS VIEW-32)Project Creation, Alarming, Data
Logging, Trending, Object keys, Derived Tags Event Generation, Macros, Object
Linking & Embedding, Security, PLC based SCADA Systems. (15)
Programming Procedures:
Different programming formats like ladder diagram, statement list, Boolean etc.
Programming based on ladder diagrams using relay, timers counters sequencers, data
transfer, comparison, arithmetic, logical instructions & software flags, Programming
equipments like computer, hand-held programmer, on-board programming, Human
machine interface, Program Scanning, Proximity Sensors and their connection to PLC,
PLC as PID Controller. (19)
Networking of PLCs, Types of Networking, and Cell control by PLCs.
Recommended Books:
1. Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers by Gray Dunmig, Boston,
2. Manuals on PLCs by Siemens/Allen Bradley
3. Proggraming Logic Controllers by Hackworth and Hackworth Jt.
4 0 3
Review of vector potentials & antenna parameters. Linear antennas viz. /2 &
/4(Input impedance, far fields, radiation resistance, directivity and efficiency). Antenna
array (different types, discussion on binomial & Dolph- Tschebysheff array), Super
directivity (Efficiency & directivity), design considerations. (05)
Antenna Synthesis and continuous sources (Line-source, Discretization of continuous
sources), Schelkunoff polynomial method, Fourier transform method, Taylor Linesource,
Triangular, cosine and cosine-squared amplitude distributions, continuous
aperture. (05)
Broad-band antennas (Bi-conical, Sleeve Dipole, Cylindrical dipole, rhombic antenna,
helical antenna, Yagi-Uda array), Frequency Independent antenna (planar and conical
spiral, log periodic). (05)
Different antenna: (Field equivalence principle) Radiation equations, Directivity,
Rectangular and Circular aperture (Radiation from apertures and distribution), Horn
antenna (E-plane, H-plane, Corrugated, Di-electric loaded-field & directivity calculation).
Micro-strip antenna, Basic characteristics, Rectangular and Circular patches,
Transmission line and cavity model, Feeding techniques and recent advancement.
Antenna fabrication techniques (Linear, Horn & Microstrip patch), Measurements
(Impedance, Gain, polarization and Radiation pattern). Matching techniques. Antenna
ranges. (05)
Smart Antenna (Principle, Block diagram), Design considerations and recent
development. (03)
Review of radar range equation (using all parameters), Radar Signal Integration, Range
Accuracy and Resolution, Signal detection and estimation, Clutter and noise suppression.
Simulation Software based discussion of antenna and radar (Design and Calculation).
Recommended Books:
1. C.A Balanis, Antenna Theory-Analysis, John Wiley
2. J.D.Karus- Antenna, McGraw Hill
3. Microstrip Antennas-I.J.Bahl P.Bhartia Artech house
4. M.I.Skolnik-Introduction to Radar System, McGraw Hill
5. B.Edde- Radar, Principles, Technology, Application-prentice Hall
6. D.K. Bartas- Modern Radar Systems Analysis-Artech House
4 0 3
Network and computer security issues. Security attacks, Security Services, and Security
Mechanisms. Network security models. Basic concept of symmetric and asymmetric
cryptography. (02)
Symmetric Key Cryptography:
Substitution and Transposition techniques. Block cipher principles. Data Encryption
Standard (DES), Triple DES. Block cipher modes of operation. Stream cipher structure
and RC4 algorithm. Confidentiality using symmetric key encryption. Symmetric key
distribution. (08)
Asymmetric Key Cryptography:
Prime numbers overview. Fermat’s and Euler’s theorems. Principles of public key
cryptosystems. RSA algorithm. Distribution of public keys. Diffie-Hellman key
exchange. (05)
Message Authentication:
Authentication requirements and functions. Message Authentication Code. Hash
functions. Hash and MAC algorithms: MD5, Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) and HMAC.
Digital Signatures and Authentication:
Digital Signatures. Authentication protocols. Digital Signature Standard. Authentication
Applications: Kerberos. (04)
Email Security:
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) operation. S/MIME specifications and functionality. (04)
IP Security:
Architecture, Authentication Header, Encapsulating Payload, Security Associations, Key
Management. (04)
Web Security:
Secure Socket Layer. Transport Layer Security. Secure Electronic Transaction (04)
Intrusion Defence Mechanisms:
Intrusion Detection techniques. (03)
Malicious Software:
Viruses and related threats. Virus countermeasures. Distributed Denial of Service
Design Principles, Characteristics, Types of Firewalls, Firewall Configuration. Trusted
System. (04)
Recommended Books:
1. Stallings, Willam ; “Cryptography and Network Security-Principles and
Practices”, 4th edition. Pearson Education, PHI.
2. Kahate, Atul, “Cryptography and Network Security”, 2nd Edition, TMH
3. Tanenbaum, A.S. ; “Computer Networks”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education
4. Forouzan, B.A. ; “Cryptography and Network Security”, McGraw-Hill.
4 0 3
The NCBI Data Model:
Introduction, PUBs: Publication of perish, SEQ-Ids: What’s in a Name? BIOSEQs:
Sequences, BIOSEQ-SETs: Collection of Sequences, SEQ-ANNOT: Annotating the
sequence, SEQ-DESCR: Describing the sequence, using the Model.
The GenBank Sequence Database:
Introduction, primary and secondary Databases, Format Vs Content: Computers Vs
Humans, The Database, The Genbank Flatfile: A Dissection.
Submitting DNA Sequences to the Databases:
Introduction: Why, Where and What to submit?, DNA/RNA, Population, phylogenetic
and Mutation Studies, Protein- only submissions, How to submit on the World Wide
Web, how to submit with Sequin updates, Consequences of the data
model,EST/STS/GSS/HTG/SNP and Genome Centers. (09)
Structure Databases:
Introduction to Structures, PDB: Protein data bank at the research collaboratory for
structural file formats, Visualizing structural information, Database structure viewers,
advanced structure modeling, Structures similarity searching.
Genomic Mapping and Mapping Databases:
Interplay of mapping and sequencing Genomic map elements, Types of maps
complexities and pitfalls of mapping, Data repositories, and mapping projects and
associated resources, Practical uses of mapping resource. (05)
Sequence Alignment and Database Searching:
Introduction, The evolutionary basis of sequence alignment, The modular nature of
proteins, optimal alignment methods, Substitution scores and gap penalties Statistical
significance of alignments, Database similarity searching, FASTA, BLAST, Database
searching artifacts, Position –Specific scoring matrices, Spliced alignments.
Predictive Methods using DNA Sequences:
Methods Work? Strategies and considerations.
Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs):
What is EST? EST Clustering, TIGR Gene Indices, STACK, ESTs and Gene Discovery,
The human Gene Map, Gene prediction in Genomic DNA, ESTs and Sequence
Polymorphisms, Assessing levels of Gene expression using ESTs.
Practice Task:
(using PEARL)
1. Finding the length of a Sequence File
2. Pattern matching
3. Extracting Patterns
Recommended Books:
1. R. Durbin, S. Eddy, A.Krogh and Mitchison, “Biological Sequence Analysis:
Probabilistic models of proteins and nuclei acids”
2. David W. Mount, “Bioinformatics: Sequence & Genome Analysis.”
4 0 3
Introduction to VLSI:
Introduction to solid state electronics, CMOS Logic, VLSI Design Flow.
MOS FET theory: Ideal V-I Characteristics, C-V Characteristics, Non-ideal I-V
CMOS processing technology: P-well, N-well, Twin Tub and silicon on Insulator
processing, layout Design rules, CMOS Process enhancement. (10)
CMOS Circuit and Logic design:
Combinational Circuit Design: Introduction, circuit Families like static CMOS, Ratioed
circuits, CVSL, Dynamic Circuits, Pass Transistor circuit,.
Sequential Circuit design: Sequencing methods, Max-Delay constraints, Min-delay
constraints, time borrowing, and clock skew.
Data Path Subsystems: Adders, Sub tractors, Comparators, flip-flops, Shifter, counters,
Multiplier (12)
Design Methodology & Tools:
Design Methodology: Introduction, structured Design, Programmable logic, fully Custom
design, CAD tools in VLSI Design Process.
Floor Planning: Introduction, Block Placement and Channel Definitions, Global Routing,
Switchbox routing, Power Distribution, clock Distribution.
Architecture Design: Introduction, HDLs, High level synthesis, Logic Synthesis. (11)
VLSI Simulation and Algorithm:
Hierarchy of simulation tools, Switch level simulations, Layout synthesis, Placements
and routing algorithms, spice simulation. (12)
Practice Task:
Design & Simulation of combinational and sequential circuits using
1. Front End VLSI tools like Xilinx ISE, ISE simulator or Modelsim simulator.
2. Back End VLSI Tools like Microwind, Mentor Graphics, Synopsis, Cadence.
Recommended Books:
1. CMOS Vlsi design by Neil H.E. Weste, David Harris, Ayan Banerjee
(Pearson Education)
2. Modern VLSI Design by Wayne Wolf (Pearson education)
3. FPGA-Based system design by Wayne Wolf (Pearson Education)
4. Introduction to VLSI Systems by Mead and Conway (Addison wisely)
5. VLSI Desiogn by Puckneel.
4 0 0
Fundamentals of Neural Networks:
Introduction, Biological Neurons and Memory, Structure & Function of a single Neuron,
Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). Typical Application of ANN - Classification,
Clustering, Pattern Recognition, Function Approximation. Basic approach of the working
of ANN – Training, Learning and Generalization. (10)
Supervised Learning:
Single-layer Networks, Linear Separability, handling linearly non-separable sets.
Training algorithm. Error correction & gradient decent rules. Multi-layer network-
Architecture, Back Propagation Algorithm (BPA) – Various parameters and their
selection, Applications, Feed-forward Network, Radial- Basis Function (RBF) network &
its learning strategies. (15)
Unsupervised Learning:
Winner-takes all Networks, Hamming Networks. Adaptive Resonance Theory,
Kohonen’s Self-organizing Maps. (09)
Neurodynamical models:
Stability of Equilibrium states, Hopfield Network, Brain-state-in-a-Box network,
Bidirectional associative memories. (06)
Fuzzy Logic:
Basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Vs. Crisp set Linguistic variables, membership
functions, operations of fuzzy sets, Crisp relations, Fuzzy relations, Approximate
reasoning, fuzzy IF-THEN rules, variable inference, techniques, defuzzification
techniques, Fuzzy rule based systems. Applications of fuzzy logic.
Practice Task: (To be covered under theory class)
1. Design and train NN for AND or gate using perceptron
2. Design and train perceptron to classify odd and even numbers
3. Design and train NN for alphabet recognition using back propagation
4. Design and train Hopfield network for recognizing patterns such as ‘+’ and ‘–‘
5. Design and train NN for EXOR classification using back propagation
Recommended Books:
1. Satish Kumar – Neural Network : A classroom approach
2. Jacek M.Zurada- Artificial Neural Networks
3. Simon Haykin- Artifical Neural Network
4. Rajasekaran & Pai – Neural networks, Fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms
5. Hagan, Demuth & Beale – Neural Network Design.
6. T. J. Ross – Fuzzy logic with engineering applications.
4 0 0
Review of boundary conditions: Wave-guides and Cavity resonates (rectangular,
circular & cylindrical) passive Circuits (design principles), impedance transformers,
filters, hybrids, isolates. Detail discussion on S-matrix. (10)
High frequency semi-conductor devices: Intel valley Scattering, Gunn diodes,
IMPATT diodes, Step recovery diodes. Lumped elements: Equivalence circuits of
Capacitors and Inductors, Design of lumped element resonators and circuits, Basic blocks
in RF system and their VLSI implementation, Design of mixer, Basic topologies VCO
and phase noise, Various RF Synthesizer architecture and frequency dividers, Design
issues in integrated RF filters. Thin & Thick film technologies. (13)
Design aspects: Transmission lines fir microwave circuits, Strip lines, Micro-strip lines,
Slot line & Coupled lines. Characteristics impedance, Lumped parameters etc. Design
considerations and implementation using simulation tools, Design of power dividers,
combiners, and directional couplers (08)
Microwave measurements: SWR, Return loss, impedance, Scattering parameters,
attenuation and familiarization with equipments such as vector network analyzer,
Spectrum analyzer, power meters and their block diagrams discussion. Fabrication
techniques in microwave. (10)
Computational techniques for microwave: moment method & Finite difference time
Domain method. Comparison of Simulation Software for microwave applications.
Computer aided design. (10)
Recommended Books:
1. B.Bhat & S.koul , Stripline- Loke Transmission lines for MICS, John Wiley
2. T.K. Ishii, Hand book of Microwave Technology, Vol.1, Academics Press.
3. Y.Konishi, Microwave integrated Circuit, Marcel Dekker
4. S.Y.Liao, Microwave Circuit Analysis and Amplifier Design, PHI
5. B.Razavi, RF Micro-Elements,PH.
4 0 0
State and events, abstraction, Modelling approaches, Graphical Analogue, Scaled, Model
characteristics. (08)
System Simulation:
Technique of simulation, montecarlo method, Comparison and simulation with analytical
method, numerical computation techniques.
Probability Concepts in Simulation:
Stochastic variables, Discrete and continuous probability functions, Numerical
evaluation, Random number generators, discrete distribution generation.
Arrival pattern and Service Times:
Arrival patterns: poisson, Exponential distribution, Coefficient of variations, Service
times, Queuing, Solution of queuing, Solution of Queuing problems.
Discrete System Simulation:
Discrete events, Representation of time, Arrival patterns, Gathering statistics, Measuring
utilization and occupancy.
Analysis of Simulation Output:
Nature of the problems, Estimation methods, Simulation run statistics, Time series
analysis, Discrete and continuous random variables, Probability mass function,
Distribution functions, Reliability, Discrete and continuous Markov Chains.
Statistical Interference:
Regression, correlation and analysis of variance. Simulation kernels, Strong predicted
events, Event cancellation.
Practice Task (To be covered under Theory)
Simulation using package software such as IE3D, FDTD, VHDL, SDL, EDL &other
Communication Software.
Recommended Books:
1. Geoffrey Gordon System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India
2. Kishor S. Trivedi, Probability and statistics with Reliability, Queuing and
computer Science Applications, Prentice Hall of India(EEE)
3. Narsing Deo, System Simulation with Digital Computer, Prentice Hall of
4. Jerry Banks, John S. Carson II, Barry L. Nelson, Discrete Event System
Simulation, Prentice Hall of India, 2nd Ed.
4 0 0
Materials for Nano-Electronics:
Crystal lattices, Bonding in Crystals, Electron energy bands, Semiconductor: Si, Si-Ge,
Hetrostructures. Strained Si, III-V Semiconductors, Carbon- Nano- tube, Silicon
nanowires. (08)
Properties of Individual Nanoparticles:
Introduction to semi conducting Nanoparticles, introduction to quantum Dots, wells,
wires, preparation of quantum nanostructures, Introduction to carbon nano tubes,
Fabrication , Structure, Electrical properties, vibrational properties, Mechanical
properties. (08)
Bio-logical Materials:
Biological building blocks-polypeptide, nucleic acids- DNA, Biological nanostructure,
Biological methods for Nano scale fabrication. (08)
TEM, Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, Photoemission and X-RAY spectroscopy,
Electron microscopy, SPMs, AFMs, Electrostatic force microscopy, Magnetic force
microscopy. (06)
Nano-scale Devices
Introduction, Nanoscale MOSFET-Planer and non-planer, Resonant-tunneling diodes,
Single electron transistor, Quantum-dot Nano-electromechanical systems, Molecular/Bio
molecular electron devices. (15)
Recommended Books:
1. C.P.Polle and F.J.Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”, John Wiley & Sons,
2. M.A.Rather & D.Rather, “Nano-technology: a gentle introduction to the next big
idea”, Prentice Hall, 2003.
3. “Nanometer Structures: Theory, Modeling and Simulation”, Editor: Akhlesh
Lakhtakia, ASME Press, 2004.
4. S.E.Lyshevski, “Nano and Micro-electromechanical systems fundamentals of
nano and micro- engineering”, 2nd Edition, CRC Press, 2004.
5. K.E. Drexler, Nano-Systems, Wiley (1922)
6. Waser Ranier, Nano-Electronics & Information Technology, Wiley (2003)
4 0 0
Achieving Excellence through TQM; Concept & definition of quality, Total Quality and
TQM, Role and importance of TQM in Indian business industry,TQM Thinkers and their
Contributions,TQM Vs management, Cost of Quality, Cost of Poor Quality, Applications
of TQM in Service and ,manufacturing Sectors in India. (11)
Problem solving and QC tools;Statistical Process Control, SQC Vs SPC, Control Charts,
Process capability, Failure mode effect analysis (FMEA), Taguchi Methods, Design of
experiments (DOE), Just in Time (JIT), Waste Elimination, Fault tree analysis. (11)
Total employees involvement, Kaizen, Quality Circles, Team Work for Quality,
Customer’s Satisfaction, Menchmarking. (06)
Leadership and Communication for Quality, Creating Quality Culture, Quality Planning
Process, Housekeeping for Quality. (05)
Inspection Vs Prevention, Total Productive and Preventive Maintenance, RFT, QFD,
Daily Process. Management, PDCA Cycle, BPR, Quality of Product Design and Service
Quality; Product reliorty, Validation and Verification. (10)
Acceptance Sampling, Six Sigma, Value Engineering, Lean Manufacturing, SMED, ISO
9000 and ISO 14000, Implementing TQM, Quality Audit, Quality Awards, Quality
Information System, Quality of People, Quality in Marketing, Future of TQM in India.
Recommended Books:
1. Total Quality Management, D.D. Sharma, Sultan Chand & Son, New Delhi,
2. Quality Control Handbook, Joseph M. Juran, 1988
3. Total Quality Control, Armadv Feigen baum, 1991
4. Total Quality Control, Sarv Singh Soni
5. Fundamentals of Quality Control and Improvement, Amitava Mitra, Pearson
Education, 2001.
6. Total Quality Management D.H Besterfield, Pearson Education, 2003
7. Total Quality Mangement, Poornima M. Charantimath, Pearson Education,
8. The Six Sigma Way, Peter S.Pande et. al, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi,
9. Design for six Sigma in Technology and Product Development, CM
Crevaling, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2003
10. Quality Planning & Analysis, JM Juran and FM Gryna, McGraw Hill,1980
11. Juran on Leadership for Quality and Executive Handbook, The Freepress,
New York, 1989
12. Kaizen-he Key to Japan’s Competitive Success, I Mai M., 1986
13. Out of Crisis, W.E. Deming, 1986
14. Quality is Free, P.B.Crosby, McGraw Hill, 1984
15. Creating Culture Change, P.E.Atkinson, 1990
16. Just-in-Time,, Hutchings, 1988
17. Statistical Process Control, J.S.Oakland,1986
18. Introduction to Quality Engineering, G.Taguchi,1986
19. System of Experimental Design, G. Taguchi,1987
20. Guide to Quality Control, K. Ishikawa,1982.
4 0 0
Introduction to Human Resource Development
Evolution Pre-industrial and Information age.
Mission and Purpose, Components of HRD, HRD problems and issues related to Indian
Industry and technical education, HRD in the context of new industrial policy.
Stages of HRD
Initial or Induction Training for job-related /professional development Training for
horizontal and vertically mobility of employees.
Training & Training Strategies
Training: Concepts, Assumptions- prevailing and alternative, phase in training,
modalities of training, drawbacks in existing systems of training benefits of training, Six
goals content and process orientation.
Training Methods
Off-the –job Training Methods-Coaching, Counseling, mentoring, reflective practices,
subjects groups, observing classes of seniors/experts etc.
Characteristics, merits and demerits of training methods
Developing Group and Climate
Social process: Three facets, Indicators of group development, the training Climate:
personal and interpersonal dimensions
Evaluation of Training
Concept, purposes, types and issues in evaluation
Steps in designing evaluation of training. (07)
Systematic approach to Design of Training Programme:
Concept of system, benefits of systematic approach to design of training programme,
steps in systematic approach – need analysis, task analysis, entry behavior analysis,
resource and constraints analysis, analysis of goals and objectives, Synthesis of criterion
tests, Synthesis of contents, Synthesis of training methods and media, implementation of
training methods and media, implementation of training, assessment of trainees’
performance, evaluation of training, improvement in training. (09)
Recommended Books:
1. Arya,PP and Tandon, BB, Human Resource Development, new Delhi Deep and
Deep publications,2000
2. Awasthappa, K,Human Resource and personnel Management ,New Delhi: Tata
Mc.Graw Hill Pub.Co.Ltd.,2005
3. Lynton,RP and pareek, Udai, Training for organizational Transformation, New
Delhi:Sage publications,2000.(PartIandII)
4. Mager,RF and Pipe Peter ‘HRD Training and Development ‘(Vol.-6) Mumbai:
5. Wilson Bob(1997). The systematic Design of Training Courses. Vol I,Parthenon
Publishing.Rao,TV,HRD Audit, New Delhi: Sage publications,2005.
6. Sims, RR,Reinventing Training and Development USA:Quorum Books, 1998.
3 2 -
Introduction to Educational Research
Concept, types – basic, applied and action, Need for educational research
Reviewing Literature
Need, Sources – Primary and Secondary, Purposes of Review, Scope of Review, steps in
conducting review. (6)
Identifying and Defining Research Problem
Locating, analyzing stating and evaluating problem. Generating different types of
hypotheses and evaluating them. (8)
Methods of Research
Descriptive research design - survey, case study, content analysis, Ex-post Facto
Research, Correlational and Experimental Research (20)
Sampling Techniques
Concept of population and sample’ sampling techniques - simple random sampling,
stratified random sampling, systematic sampling and cluster sampling, snow ball
sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling techniques. Determining size of sample.
Design and Development of Measuring Instruments, Tests, questionnaires, checklists,
observation schedules, evaluating research instruments, selecting a standardized test.
Procedure Of Data Collection
Aspects of data collection, coding data for analysis (6)
Statistical Methods of Analysis
Descriptive statistics: Meaning, graphical representations, mean, range and standard
deviation, characteristics and uses of normal curve.
Inferential statistics: t-test, Chi-square tests, correlation (rank difference and product
moment), ANOVA (one way), Selecting appropriate methods. (14)
Procedure for Writing a Research Proposal
Purpose, types and components of research proposal. (4)
Procedure for Writing a Research Report
Audiences and types of research reports, Format of research report and journal articles.
Strategies for Evaluating, Research disseminating and utilizing research – An
Practice Tasks
• Define a research problem in polytechnic education/industry after studying problem
situation and literature
• Given the purpose, objectives of research, write hypotheses
• Select research designs for the given research objectives
• Identify the measuring instruments for the given research objectives/hypotheses
• Identify the appropriate statistical methods of analysis for the given research
• Critically analyse the given research reports on various aspects such as hypothesis,
design, measuring tools, statistical analysis, interpretation etc. to identify the gaps or
weaknesses in the study.
Recommended Books:
1. Borg, W and Gall, M. Educational Research: An Introduction, New York,
2. Cohen, L. Educational Research in Classrooms and Schools ! A Manual of Materials
and Methods NY: Harper and Row Publishers.2000
3. CPSC: Developing Skills in Technician Education Research Modules 1 to 11
Singapore, Colombo Plan Staff College for Technician Education
4. Garrett, HE and Woodworth, RS. Statistics in Psychology and Education, Educational
Research, Bombay: Vakils Fetter and Simons Ltd. 2003
5. Gay, LR, Educational Research, Ohio: Charles E. Merril Publishing Company2000.
6. Wiersma William Research Methods in Education – An Introduction London, Allyn
and Bacon, Inc.2000
3 2 -
Nature and Scope of Entrepreneurship - Need and Philosophy of entrepreneurship
Characteristics of an entrepreneur; Entrepreneur vs. Self-employment; Intrapreneuring;
Role of entrepreneurship in Indian economy, Entrepreneurship and innovation; Indian
values and entrepreneurship. (10)
Entrepreneurial Support System -Three Tiers of Entrepreneurial Support System;
Assistance from National level Organizations like SIDO, NSIC, SIDBI, IFCI, IDBI,
ICICI, NRDC etc. Assistance from State level organizations like DOI, DIC, SSIE, SISI,
SFCs, Commercial Banks etc; Special schemes for technical entrepreneurs and women.
Incubation Centers, Awareness camps. (10)
Product Identification – Identification of Opportunities, Consideration for product
selection; Exposure to demand based, resource based, service based, import substitute,
export promotion, trading and consultancy ventures. (10)
Entrepreneurial Motivation Training - Programme clarity – sharing expectations and
unfreezing and refreezing; Data collection about self `who am I’ write up. Introduction to
need system and motivational pattern of entrepreneur (conceptualizing entrepreneurial
skills and behavior).
Risk taking behavior, hope of success, fear of failure, learning from feedback (Ring Toss
Through entrepreneurial camps &Incubation centers.
Analyzing motive strengths, locating achievements imageries, intensity of motive
(Analyzing TAT stories, group and individual level). Personal efficacy, defining,
individual life goal, its linkages to entrepreneurship, locus and control, conceptualizing
entrepreneurial values.
Planning and goal setting, help and resource use, creativity and divergent thinking,
confidence building learning from feedback (Business Games and Exercises).
Achievement Planning (APO) Games
Tolerance to ambiguities and Commitment to entrepreneurial goal (Interaction with
successful entrepreneurs).
Leadership and Influencing abilities, guidance and help (Block Building Exercises, role
playing exercises).
Entrepreneurial goal setting, sharing entrepreneurial goal, devising clarity in terms of
enterprise building. (15)
Project Formulation Process – Preparing list of relevant projects; Process of selecting a
project and zeroing on different projects for potential entrepreneurs. Steps in planning a
small scale industry. Techno-economic feasibility analysis of projects.
Structure of a project report.
Analysis of sample project report. Preparation of final project report.
Product design and development. (15)
Rules and Regulations – Licensing and registration procedures; Appreciation of
important provisions of Factory Act, Shop and Commercial Establishment Act,
Negotiable Instrument Act, Sales of Goods Act, Partnership Act, and other Commercial
and Labor Laws. Planning Income tax, Sales tax and Excise rules, Municipal bye-laws
and Insurance coverage. (15)
Planning of Small and Medium Enterprises
Production Management – Production Planning and Scheduling; Materials Management;
Inventory management; Technology selection, transfer and management.
Accounting and Financial Management – Working capital management; Principles of
Book keeping Books of accounts, Financial statements, Funds flow analysis, sources and
uses of funds.
Marketing Perspectives – Relevance of Marketing for entrepreneurship; Product
planning; Pricing decision; Place policies; Advertising and sales policies; Market survey
and Demand estimation for selected projects.
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations – Procurement, Development,
Compensation, Integration, Maintenance functions; Leadership, Communication and
Motivation skills. (15)
Practice Task:
Visit to small and medium enterprises and interacting with entrepreneurs.
Visit to support agencies and gathering relevant entrepreneurial information.
Gathering information about viable projects identified by support agencies.
Preparation of preliminary project report.
Preparation of detailed project report.
Calculation of important financial ratios so as to ascertain techno-economic
feasibility of the proposed venture.
To prepare and deliver class seminars on industrial and commercial legislation.
Recommended Books:
1. Gupta, CB and Srinivasan, NP; Entrepreneurial Development, New Delhi, Sultan
Chand & Sons.
2. Pareek, Udai and Rao T.V. :Developing Motivation through Experiencing, New
Oxford and IBH Publishing Cop. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Rathore, BS and Dhameja SK: Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century, Rawat
Publications, Jaipur.
4. Rathore, BS and Saini JS: A Handbook of Entrepreneurship, Aapga Publications,
5. Saini, JS and Dhameja SK: Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Rawat
Publications, Jaipur and New Delhi.
6. Sharma DD, Dhameja, SK and Gurjar BR: Entrepreneurship, Strategic
Management and Globalisation, Rawat Publications, Jaipur.
7. Sharma DD and Saini, JS : Enterprise Edge, Rawat Publications, Jaipur. Sharma
DD and others: Training Modules on Entrepreneurship Development
3 2 -
Business Strategy for new Technologies: adding value, gaining competitive advantage,
timing and capability development. (10)
Technology Forecasting: Techniques of Forecasting, Technology Forecasting-
Relevance, Strategic alliance and Practicality, and Technology transfer. (10)
Technology Forecasting: Techniques of Forecasting, Technology Forecasting-
Relevance, Strategic alliance and Practicality, and Technology transfer. (10)
Management of research, development and innovation:
Technology mapping of type of R&D projects and development approaches-radical
platform and incremental projects, innovations. (10)
Management of Intellectual property Rights:
Strategic value of patents, trade secrets and licensing. (10)
Management scientist and technologist: Identification, recruitment, retention, Team
work and result orientation, investment in technology. (10)
Management roles and skills for new technology (10)
Technology for Managerial Productivity and effectiveness, Just in Time. (10)
Venture Capital and Technology Development. (10)
Recommended Books:
1. Technology and Management: by Cassell Educational Ltd., London
2. Management of High Technology Research and Development: by John
Humbleton Elsevier
3. Strategic Management: by Charles W.L. Hill/Gareth R. Jones, Houghton
Mifflin Co.
4. R&D Management: by S.A. Bergn, Basil Blackwell Inc.
5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Organisations : by Richard M Burton &
Borge Obel Elsevier
6. The Handbook of Forecasting-A Management Guide : by Spyros Maksidakis
& Steven C Wheelwright, John Wiley & Sons.
7. New Product Management: by C marle Crawford IRWIN, USA
8. Just-in-time: by David Hutchin, Gower Technical Press.