Structure/ Pattern of Syllabus must be as follows:
1) Title of the Course: Computer Application (Vocational)
2) Introduction: Pattern- Annual
3) Eligibility: Should have offered Computer Applications at S.Y.B.A. &
passed as per University rules
4) Examination
A) Pattern of examination
i) 80-20 University annual examination of 80 marks & Internal
assessment of 20 marks. Details as per syllabus
ii) Pattern of the question paper- As per specimen given
B) Standard of Passing : As per University norms
C) ATKT Rules : As per University norms
D) Award of Class : As per University norms
E) External Students : Not allowed
F) Setting of Question paper/ Pattern of Question paper: As per University
G) Verification of Revaluation: As per University norms
5) Structure of the Course :
i) Optional
ii) Medium of instruction : English
6) Equivalence subject/ papers & Transitory Provision: Computer Applications
7) University terms : As per University norms
8) Subject wise Detail Syllabus : Attached
9) Recommended books : Mentioned in the syllabus
T.Y. B.A.
Computer Application (Vocational)
Paper - V
Unit 1- Introduction to networking 4
2. Network Topologies
3. Network components: Ethernet, Hub, Router, Cables
4. Internet - IP Address, DNS, Protocols (TCP/IP, SMTP, FTP, TELNET)
Unit 2- Web Designing 4
a. Web pyramid
b. Web browser
c. Search Engine
d. Website-Types-Static, Dynamic, Interactive
Unit 3 – Internet Technology
1. Introduction to HTML: 10
a. Basic tags , tables, frame, forms ,css,.
2. Introduction to JAVA Script. 10
b. Identifiers, Operators, Data Types, Values.
c. Loops & Functions
d. Objects
e. Array & Array Object
f. Events
3. Introduction to VB Script 10
g. Working with variables. (Data types, Constants & Arrays, Operators,
and definition and Naming rules.
h. VB Script control structure, looping, branching
i. VB Script Functions
j. Working with Objects
k. Communicating with the user- form creation, form designing
Unit 4- E Commerce 10
a. Scope
b. Types- B to B ,B to C , B to C
c. General Trade cycle
d. Trade cycle -E-market, EDI, Internet Commerce
f. E-payment-Credit card, Debit card, E-cheque
g. Digital Signature, Digital Certificate
h. Internet security-Physical security, logical security
Reference books
1. Sam’s Teach Yourself Networking in 24 Hrs. -Tata Mc Grow Hill Publications
2. World Wide Web design with HTML C Xavier -Tata Mc Grow Hill Publications
3. Internet and E-Commerce C NELLAI KANNAN- NELS Publication.
4. E-Commerce David Whitley
5. WEB DESIGN Thomas A Powel- Tata Mc Grow Hill Publications
6. Java Script Complete Reference Tata Mc Grow Hill Publications
7. VB SCRIPT Interactive Course –Tech Media Publication
T.Y.B.A. Paper V
Practical List
1. Write an HTML script to display Three images according to the following
a. Without using border attribute
b. With using border attribute
c. Using the width and height attribute
d. Unavailable image with ALT attribute
2. Write an HTML script to display TYBCA timetable
3. Write an HTML script to display following train details using table.
Train name Starting
Destination place Time Fare
Arrival Departure
4. Write an HTML script to link external documents,
Information of the Course
· B. Sc.
· B.Com.
· B.A.
5. Write an HTML script to link internal documents.
Welcome to University of Pune
· Electronics Department
· Mathematics Department
· Microbiology Department
· Computer Science Department
· Biotechnology Department
6. Write HTML script for the following form
User Registration Form
Name :
Password :
Your Interests Computer Sports Music
7. Create a web page displaying list of hyperlinks. Divide the browser screen
into two frames. The frame on the left will be a menu consisting of hyperlinks.
Clicking on any one of these hyperlinks will display related information as a
new page which must be open in frame on the right hand side.
Input Devices
Output Devices
Storage Devices
After clicking on input devices hyperlink related information in the right frame.
Input Devices
Output Devices
Storage Devices
The list of Input Devices
i. Keyboard.
ii. Mouse.
Submit Reset
1. Write a program using a Java script to display sum of all odd numbers
between 1 to 20
2. Write a JAVA script to calculate maximum, minimum, sum and average
of numbers in an array. Make all validation.
3. Write a JAVA script to which will greet according to the current timing
4. Write a JAVA script to accept two numbers from user and display them in
text boxes. Add these two numbers and display result in third text box
after clicking a button.
1. Write a program using a VB script to calculate factorial of a number
2. Write a program using a VB script which shows current date in four
different formats
3. Write a program using a VB script to check whether a number is positive
or negative.
4. Write a program using a VB scrip to calculate simple interest.
Marking Scheme
Theory Paper [University] 40 Marks
Term End [College out of 60] 20 Marks
University Practical Examination 40 Marks
Distribution of term end marks
Written examination 40 marks to be converted to 10 marks
Journal/practical assessment 20 marks to be converted to 10 marks
T.Y.B.A. Paper VI- Computer Applications (Vocational)
Entrepreneurship Development
Entrepreneurship is a tremendous force that can have a big impact in growth, recovery,
and societal progress by fuelling innovation, employment generation and social
Through entrepreneurship education, young people, including those with disabilities,
learn organizational skills, including time management, leadership development and
interpersonal skills, all of which are highly transferable skills sought by employers.
The syllabus for T.Y.B. A., Vocational students thus is aimed at creating an awareness
amongst the students about the benefits of becoming an entrepreneur and at the same time
equip them with information about a good and a viable opportunity; making a business
plan by assessing the techno-economic feasibility, seeking financial assistance, variety of
procedures and formalities for setting up an enterprise, taking decisions in such a manner
so that entrepreneurship becomes a life time career goal.
· To create awareness about self-employment and motivate
the students to go for self-employment.
· To study entrepreneurship concepts and their applicability.
· To expose the students to the practical world of business.
1. INTRODUCTION: Concept of entrepreneurship, Historical background, need
and scope of entrepreneurship in modern society, Entrepreneurial behavior,
attributes and skills.
Key elements of entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial process, Entrepreneurial culture,
Environment of Entrepreneurship, Socio economic origins of Entrepreneurship,
Barriers of Entrepreneurship and means to reduce them, types of Entrepreneurs,
Characteristics of Entrepreneur. 8 Lectures
2. BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONS: Forms of business organizations such as sole
proprietorship, partnership, Joint Stock Company, cooperative organization etc.
Relative merits and demerits of each form, Meaning and definition, types of Small
Scale Industry. 3 Lectures
Sources of Information: where to go for what?
a. District Industry Centre (DIC)
b. Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC)
c. Maharashtra State Small Industries Development Corporation (MSSI DC)
d. Small Industries Services Institute (SISI)
e. National Institutes of Entrepreneurship and Small business Development
f. National Entrepreneurship Development Board(12) (NEDB)
g. Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
h. Commercial and Co-operative Banks
i. State Industrial Development Bank (SIDBI)
j. Maharashtra State Electricity Board
k. Pollution Control Board
3 Lectures
Legal Aspects of Small Business:
Elementary knowledge of Income Tax, Sales Tax, VAT, Service Tax, Patent Rules,
Excise Rules, Factory Act and Payment of Wages Act , Procedures for registration of
SSI. 4 Lectures
3. ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT: Identification of opportunities for
entrepreneurship, ideas to start new business, criteria for selection of new product
or service, Market Survey as a tool, Technical and economic feasibility of a
project, Role of consultancy organizations.
8 Lectures
Project formulation and project report 4 Lectures
4. FINANCIAL ASPECTS: Sources of finance, Role of various funding agencies ,
government and commercial Role of various funding corporations and funding
institutes such as chamber of commerce, MSFC, MCED, NSSIDC, Banks, special
institutes such as IDBI,MIDC,SICOM etc, Working capital, cash flow, fund flow,
preparations of basic financial statements, costing and pricing, breakeven point,
SWOT analysis. 6 Lectures
5. MARKETING ASPECTS: Meaning, scope and importance, Marketing
strategy, Market segmentation, marketing channels. Marketing mix and its effect.
6 Lectures
6. HUMAN RESOURCE ASPECTS : Concept and scope in modern industry,
Different modes of employment, Placement of proper person for a job, Interpersonal
relations and communication skills, training of personnel, guidance for stress
management, soft skills. 6 Lectures
Text book
1. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management – Shri. Vasant
Reference books
2. Environment & Entrepreneur: Mr.B.C.Tondon
3. Business Environment: Dr.G.V.Kayande Patil
4. Udyogvardhini –MCED
5. Basic Communication Skills: By P. Kiranmai Dutt & Geetha Rajeevan, 2000
6. Fundamentals of Office Management: By J.P. Mahajan , Office Management – By S.
P. Arrora, latest edition
7. A guide to small Scale Entrepreneurs, Director of Industries, Govt. of Tamil Nadu
Chennai, latest edition
8. Entrepreneurship and small Business Management- Dr. C. B. Gupta & Dr. Khanna
9. Project Management- K. Nagarajan
10. 100 project Reports Yashwantrao Chavan Open Universiy (YCMOU) Edition
11. Entrepreneurship Ideas in Action Cynthia L. Greene (YCMOU) Edition
Practicals/ Assignments
The practicals to be conducted are with an objective to transform the knowledge gained by the
students in their classes to real life experience. These practicals will be based on the vocational
subject and the Principal subject a student has offered
Internal assessment should be carried out on the practicals/ assignments done by a student.
Title of Practical Objective Mode
1 Role of District industry centre Understand the working of District
industry centre
Visit and report
2 Visit to a small scale Industry To understand plant location and
plant layout and to submit a report
Visit and report
3 Visit to a service unit To study the legal aspects of a
service unit and to submit a report
Visit and report
4 Entrepreneurial ideas Describe in brief two entrepreneurial
ideas of yours
Home assignment
5 Project formulation Prepare a preliminary document
about an enterprise you want to start
It should contain executive
summary, customer/target market
analysis and strategy
Home Assignment
6 Review business plans Submit a review of a business plan
of other team. It should include
critical and constructive comments
Home assignment
7 Drafting a business plan It should contain executive
summary, customer/target market
analysis and strategy , marketing and
operations, risks, management team
and financial projections
Power Point
Paper VI
Project Work (University Practical Course)
Guide lines for Project work
Project group size should be around 3 persons.
1. Objective, Scope, Limitations.
2. E-R Diagram, DFD (Context and First level)
(Required only for database related Projects)
3. Program Specifications (short description of program)
4. File design
5. Data Dictionary
6. Reports
Project topics
1. Library System
2. Payroll System
3. Admission system.
4. Result System
5. Patient’s Information System
6. Hotel Management System
7. Any other relevant topic
Marking Scheme:
University practical examination Valuation of project report = 40 marks
University Theory paper (Entrepreneurship Development) = 40 marks
Term End (60 marks converted to) = 20 marks