Programming with C
Lecture: 4 Hrs/week Practical: 3 Hrs/week
One paper: 100 marks / 3 Hrs duration Practical exam: 50 marks
1. Introduction to Problem Solving: 3 Hrs
Flow charts, tracing flow charts, Problem solving methods, Need for computer Languages, Sample Programs written in C
2. C Language preliminaries:
C character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data types, Declarations, Expressions, statements and symbolic constants
3. Input-Output:
Getchar, putchar, scanf, printf, gets, puts, functions.
4. Pre-processor commands:
#include, #define, #ifdef
5. Preparing and running a complete C program: 3 Hrs
6. Operators and expressions:
Arithmetic, unary, logical, bit-wise, assignment and conditional operators
7. Control statements: 5 Hrs
While, do-while, for statements, nested loops, if else, switch, break, Continue, and goto statements, comma operators
8. Storage types:
Automatic, external, register and static variables.
9. Functions: 5 Hrs
Defining and accessing, passing arguments, Function prototypes, Recursion, Library functions, Static functions
10. Arrays:
Defining and processing, Passing arrays to a function, Multi dimensional arrays.
11. Strings: 6 Hrs
Defining and operations on strings.
12. Pointers: 7 Hrs
Declarations, Passing pointers to a function, Operations on pointers, Pointer Arithmetic, Pointers and arrays, Arrays of pointers function pointers.
13. Structures: 6 Hrs
Defining and processing, Passing to a function, Unions, typedef, array of structure, and pointer to structure
14. File structures:
Definitions, concept of record, file operations: Storing, creating, retrieving, updating Sequential, relative, indexed and random access mode, Files with binary mode(Low level), performance of Sequential Files, Direct mapping techniques: Absolute, relative and indexed sequential files (ISAM) concept of index, levels of index, overflow of handling
15. File Handling:
File operation: creation, copy, delete, update, text file, binary file.
Term work/ Practical: Each candidate will submit a journal in which at least 12 practical assignments based on the above syllabus along with the flow chart and program listing will be submitted with the internal test paper. Test graded for 10 marks and Practical graded for 15 marks.
List of Practical
Two programs based on functions.
Two programs based on pointers.
Four programs based on Remaining portion eg. Control statements, Structures and Unions etc.
Three programs based on Different File Operations (File Handling)
References :
1. Mastering C by Venugopal, Prasad – TMH
2. Complete reference with C Tata McGraw Hill
3. C – programming E.Balagurusamy Tata McGray Hill
4. How to solve it by Computer : Dromey, PHI
5. Schaums outline of Theory and Problems of programming with C : Gottfried
6. The C programming language : Kerninghan and Ritchie
7. Programming in ANSI C : Ramkumar Agarwal
8. Mastering C by Venugopal, Prasad – TMH
9. Let Us C by kanetkar
10.An introduction to data structures with applications, Jean-Paul Trembly and Paul Sorenson, (2nd edition), 1884