1. Environment: Basic concepts, Environment pollution: types, methods for measurement
of pollution
2. Solid waste treatment: Composting process, Vermicomposting and its advantages.
3. Biomedical waste and its management
4. Xenobiotics and its degradation
1. An Integrated pest management‐ Biopesticides: definition, types and impact on
2. Bioremediation: In situ and Ex situ techniques, advantages of bioremediation,
applications of genetically engineered microbes (GEM) in bioremediation.
3. Phytoremediation: Types and its applications
4. Environmental monitoring: Bioindicators
1. Microbial waste treatments: Aerobic process: Activated Sludge trickling filters, Aerated
lagoons and oxidation ponds.
2. Anaerobic processes: biodegradation methods namely VIZ. anaerobic lagoons, up flow
anaerobic sludge blanket reactor.
3. Cleaner technologies ; Reducing environmental impact of effluents from paper and
tannery industries.
4. GMOs and assessment of environmental impact and monitoring.
Practical Exercises
1. Determination of dissolved oxygen concentration of water sample
2. Determination of biological oxygen demand (BOD) of sewage sample
3. Determination of Chemical oxygen demand (COD) of sewage sample
4. Isolation of xenobiot ic degrading bacteria by selective enrichment technique
5. Test for the degradation of aromatic hydrocarbons by bacteria
6. Survey of degradative plasmids in microbes growing in polluted environment
7. Study on biogenic methane production in different habitats
Reference Books
1. Comprehensive Biotechnology. Vol. 4,M. moo‐ young (Ed‐in‐chief), Pergmon Press
2. Environmental chemistry. A.K.De, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi
3. Introduction to Biodeterioration. D.Allsopp and Seal, ELBS/ Edward Arnold
4. Environmental Biotechnologies and Cleaner Bioprocess by Eugenia J Olguuin et al
5. Environmental Science: Physical Principles and applications by Egbert Boeker et al